5 Favourites: April 2021
Three beauty heroes, an excellent cookbook and one of the best presents I’ve ever been given: how much better could a monthly favourites video be?
Here’s a quick rundown of the first four items on the list but you’ll have to watch the video to see the fifth. It’s so cute. I do have a tearful moment at one point…
My first beauty love this month is Le Labo’s cult fragrance Santal 33. It’s spicy, warm, woody, leathery (but a hint of expensive leather, not a male stripper’s oud-soaked leather thong type leather) and just so incredibly sexy. I’ll never do it justice with words, so give it a try next time you pass a stockist. Or if you ever see a gift with purchase that has it in then nab one – the little 15ml sample I have was either from a gift or the Liberty calendar and its RRP is £58! You can find it at Liberty or Cult Beauty here*.
Next on the list, Murad’s incredible Intense Recovery Cream, online here*. It’s almost medicinal in its colour and texture, it feels like the sort of thing you’d use in extreme situations, but it’s absolutely gorgeous on very dry or overcooked skin. And by overcooked I mean too many acids, too much retinol, too much piling on of everything willy-nilly. This is instant relief and you notice a difference overnight. Standalone post coming up, I’m sure.
La Roche-Posay have launched a really lovely facial sunscreen. They are champions when it comes to good sunscreens but this one is a departure from the light and milky Anthelios: the Hyalu B5 Aquagel SPF30 is part of the intensely hydrating Hyalu range and it really, really leaves skin properly quenched. Or drenched. Whatever the term would be. It’s unbelievably lightweight, fresh in feel and I can imagine it’ll be a huge hit, especially for those with oily/combination skin who want a light touch but still require a load of moisture. Find it here at Boots*.
Last mention before you watch the end of the video (I know you’ll skip to it, it’s fine): Table Manners by Jessie and Lennie Ware. It’s such a good recipe book – I’ve cooked two things already and have a dozen or so more bookmarked. The photos are a delight, I love the little anecdotes on every page and you can really tell that the two of them (mother and daughter) love to cook and love to eat. Find it online here*.
Actually, I was looking for a facial sunscreen that can suit my skin but never got one. I think I should try this “La Roche-Posay” sunscreen as you have mentioned the benefits of using it. Will definitely try it and hope it will suit my skin without hurting!
Thanks for sharing!
I also have La Roche Posay sunscreen Sp50+ !
I use it everyday! It’s such a blessing!
Take care!
Yami International
Slightly unrelated question, but what breed is Dexter ? He is such gorgeous dog!!
I love Le Labo too, I buy Liberty’s advent calendar almost only for that reason
He’s a cockapoo, half mini poodle half working cocker spaniel. xx
I am going to have to try out some of these items for myself!
Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk
I only love to eat, so maybe I will gift the book to my mother, who loves to cook and we can bond over that?
Oh dear. Looks like I’ll have to sniff out that Le Labo 1 somewhere. I’ve bought my husband the Molton Brown Geranium Neferti (or whatever you call it!) and more recently the Amber one on your recommendations. I think I like the same scents as you – and it’s totally the way you describe them. You should honestly be doing their marketing.
The Amber is SO nice isn’t it?!
So wonderful to see your video! Such a sweet moment with your daughter’s gift. It makes all the hard moments seem like nothing.
With your favorites, I was so delighted to see Santal 33. I love the Le Labo perfumes too! I own Santal 33, Rose 31, and Jasmine 17. Expensive, but I’ve collected them over years. All beautiful. And I’ve got a super saver tip: buy the perfumed body oil and use just a bit of it on the ends of your hair. It carries the oomph of the perfume, but is much more economical and the sillage is unbelievable.
Oooh, thank you! I didn’t know they did an oil, I’m off to order it now! x