Search Results for: kiehl's powerful eye

The Glass-Penised Gnome: How (Not) To Use A Pipette
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The Glass-Penised Gnome: How (Not) To Use A Pipette

This trend for the dribbling of skincare products directly onto the face really bemuses me. Ditto foundation dribbling. Pipettes are enough of a faff to use when you drop the product into the palm of your hand, why on earth would you ever attempt to pipe the product straight onto your face? Nobody does this in real…

The Skincare Products I’ll Be Buying Next Spring

The Skincare Products I’ll Be Buying Next Spring

As summer draws to a sultry, overdue end I’ve been taking stock of the skincare products that have really cut the mustard this year – the ones I now use so regularly they’ve become an automatic part of my beauty routine. When spring starts (look at me, optimistically skipping over the cold seasons and welcoming…

summer skincare essentials
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Summer Holiday Skincare and Self Tan Favourites

Some holiday (or pre-holiday) skincare essentials. The VO5 Hot Oil is a bit of an anomaly because it’s for your hair and not for your face, but it was orange and summery and looked good in my photographs! Hot Oil is one of those beauty products that seems very old fashioned, now, because it’s been around for such a long…