A Tour of my Kitchen
“Tour” is a bit of a grand word to use, isn’t it, for what amounts to a quickish snoop around the room that I cook and eat in, but there we go. It’s a thing, online, apparently. House tour, office tour, tour of my makeup kit, bathroom cabinet tour, tour of my shoe closet. The internet is stuffed to the gills with tours of this and that, and who am I to ruin the fun with a sensible (more accurate) title?
Quickish Look at Stuff in my Kitchen
I swear that deliberating over video titles takes me more time than filming the bloody things in the first place. I’m always torn between the extra views that a contrived, by-popular-demand sort of title will produce and the fact that worlds such as “haul”, “tour” and “journey” (My Divorce Journey! My Breast Implant Journey!) make me want to repeatedly prick my own eyeballs with a dessert fork.
Anyway, here’s a tour of my kitchen (please join an orderly queue for tickets and make sure you stay behind the man who is holding up the red umbrella – don’t stray from the group and keep an eye on your belongings!) including a lengthy diatribe on the pros and cons of AGA cookers and a peek inside my pantry cabinet. Ooh err.
My dress is from Hush*: http://tidd.ly/79579d27//our table and chairs are Ercol, I got them from eBay second hand//clock is the Newgate Billingsgate clock, I bought it from Heals*: http://bit.ly/2Lb8Ur5 //kitchen is (I believe) Neptune//dog bed is from Casper: https://casper.com/uk/en/dog-bed/