Autumn Makeup Favourites
Please be seated for my Autumn Favourites video – a little edit of some bits and pieces that I’ve been messing about with recently. It’s actually very few products compared to the usual seasonal round-ups – I always feel as though I put too much in, and so I’ve really only gone for the things that I’ve used most. Probably the best Autumn/Fall collection for me was Dior’s Golden Safari, actually, I just thought that it was so luxe and unusual. I find Autumn difficult in terms of cosmetic brand collections – I don’t really wear dark lip colours, and these are usually their focal-point. If you want to see my run-down of the best dark lip colours, though, have a look at my post with pictures.
*Note on the Double Wear Light foundation: it’s a marvellous foundation, but I have an inkling that my skin doesn’t agree with one (or more) of the ingredients. I must do some more extensive research on this before I can say for sure, but I really hope that it’s not this foundation that I don’t get on with because I LOVE it! It lasts for ages and ages – it’s like glue! The finish is beautiful and it doesn’t slide, dry-up or sit in creases and fine lines. Brilliant stuff, but I’ve had a few little blips with it, so watch this space!
*Actually, just noticed: I’ve also included Benefit’s ‘They’re Real” mascara, which isn’t really one of my favourites. It’s okay, but I don’t lurve it in a smoochy kind of way. If you pile it on all in one go it gives enormous lashes, but I don’t like the brittle wand that much – it makes my eyelids scream. So really, this video and post should just be called Autumn Makeup, rather than Autumn Makeup Favourites. Oh well.
Right then; film’s about to start. Don’t whatever you do start eating popcorn (see here), but you may have a cup of tea and a non-noisy biscuit if you absolutely require sustenance.
If you can’t see the video, click HERE
Clear Prep FX:
Estee Lauder Double Wear Light (Intensity 2.0):
Smashbox Photo Set Powder:
Louise Young Brushes:
Urban Decay Concealer Pencil:
Clinique Bronzer (Light/Medium): oh BOO! This is an old one. : (
Dior Night Golds Palette:
Pixi Endless Liner in Cocoa:
Benefit They’re Real Mascara:
Dior Nude Lip Blush in 418:
Real Techniques Foundation Brush: