Babies, Resolutions and a Happy New Year!

ruth crilly baby video

A very Happy New Year to you all. After fighting off multiple strains of this cough/cold/chest thing that everyone in the world seems to have had, I have finally succumbed and am ill in bed. It was bound to happen sooner or later; Baby AMR has had a cold twice in the last month and I kiss her constantly (how could I not) and Mr AMR has had a terrible chest for a few weeks. Also we have had a whole stream of visitors who have been at various stages of “incubation” – why am I even surprised that I’m ill?

Here’s my New Year video – I don’t usually make a list of my resolutions, not publicly at any rate, and I suspect that they are pretty stereotypical and bland, but for some reason I felt compelled to share. I have some extra, more “blog specific” ones, too:

  1. Remember to take a proper picture at the end of videos to use as a thumbnail so that I don’t have to do weird screengrabs of myself half-speaking-half-gurning. A picture is worth a thousand words, etc etc…
  2. Only post about things that I am 100% interested in and, if I don’t have anything exciting to post about, refrain from posting.
  3. Try to answer more questions and reply to more comments. This is a mammoth task and I do try to regularly check in and answer as many as possible, but I’d like to get through more.

Righty-ho, on to the vid – I do hope that 2016 brings you all that you desire, and I truly thank you all for your support in 2015. It was quite the year.

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