Beauty, Fashion and Home Favourites: May 2018
It’s time for the May favourites. A mixed bag again, this month, as I’m featuring more beauty in the 5 Most-Used videos. So there are two beauty things (both of which you can read more about here on the blog, links below the video pane), one sort-of-beauty favourite and two things for the house. Annoyingly, if you fall in love with either of the interiors favourites, both are one-offs. I reckon my Mum could be enticed into working her magic for profit (she made the amazing wall hanging I feature towards the end of the video) but the mirror was another fine purchase from Wells Reclamation yard (which appears to have become my new spiritual home) and they only had one.
Although I’m sure there are other antique mirrors of a similar style – just be mindful of transportation, if you do happen to get over-excited around oversized objects. (Hello.) Barry the Iron Man, weighing in at 1.5 tonnes, was not at all easy to move – he required a crane on a lorry – and the mirror, which is too heavy to be wall-mounted (it has anti-tip brackets on the back) had to be lifted to the first floor and brought in through a double-window because it was too big to get up the stairs.
All of these giant things appearing in the house make me feel a bit like a Borrower. I might start sleeping in a matchbox and eating my dinner off a giant button. I love playing with scale – anything outsized, or miniature, it all really floats my boat. I have no idea where it stems from, but perfectly scaled-up or scaled-down objects fill me with an obscure sort of happiness. Those huge display perfume bottles in department stores, or gigantic reels of cotton in the window of a haberdashery. Very pleasing.
Anyway, enough of my musings and onwards with this month’s video. Or last month’s, I should say – bloody hell this one is really late, isn’t it? I’ve just realised we’re halfway through June! And if you like the interiors stuff, I did a post about my downstairs loo. Just in case you missed it.