Beauty Favourites: April 2017
Did you ever play a game when you were little called Kim’s Game? We used to play it at Girl Guides. It probably has loads of different names and ways to play it, but our version was this: you’d have a tray with a load of objects on (things like pens and buttons and whistles and so on) and you’d get a set amount of time to look at them all and remember them. Then the tray would be covered up with a tea towel and you’d all have to write down as many things as you could. The winner was the person who could remember the most objects.
Anyway, to cut a long (and possibly very dull) story short, trying to shoot still life pictures with a toddler around is a bit like Kim’s Game. Every time I look at my board, there’s something missing – a lipstick, perhaps, or the lid from a perfume bottle) and then I have to go hunting around to see where Angelica has put it. I thought that I had all of my beauty favourites there when I took the photograph above, but when I went to edit it, I realised that there was an eyeshadow palette missing and also a mascara! Oh well.
You’ll need to watch the video to see the full run of my beauty favourites, this month – there’s a good mix of skincare and makeup and a rave about eyebrow tinting. And some footage of New Baby Ted gurgling away on his activity mat. (See last post for a chat about how cute and distracting he is at the moment.)
Weleda Balm in Rose:…*
Bourjois Mat Illusion Bronzer:…*
Becca Ombre Nudes Eye Palette:*
Clarins Supra Volume Mascara:*
Code FFL Lash Primer:*
Butter Sheer Wisdom Nail Polish in Light:*
Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Serum:*
Effaclar Duo SPF30:*
Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire Parfum:*
Colab Paradise Dry Shampoo:*
Stockist List for Colab:…
My foundation is Armani Power Fabric in Shade 4