ruth crilly and caroline hirons

Birthing and Pregnancy Chat with Caroline Hirons…

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This post should probably be over on my pregnancy blog, The Uphill, but I know how many of you follow Caroline and I didn’t want you to miss out! Though please do feel free to skip this one if you have no interest whatsoever in pregnancy. Or birthing. It was just a casual pregnancy chat between friends, really, with the usual eyebrow-raises and sick-making faces that happen when Caroline and I get together…

Watch more videos with Caroline…

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On the subject of pregnancy: I have so many posts to write and only ten weeks to go until my due date! Time has just flown. Hopefully once I get my accommodation situation sorted I’ll have the mental and emotional energy to sit down and do some proper writing-up. At the moment, 80% of my time is spent trying to find holiday lets that a) have internet b) accept dogs and c) are within a twenty mile radius of my house. There is nothing. Nothing, I tell you… If anyone ever wants a sound financial investment, buy and then rent out a flat or holiday cottage in the Hertfordshire/Essex area – one that has high-speed broadband and takes dogs. You’d absolutely clean up.

Caroline’s Pregnancy Skincare Video:

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