Bras, Broken Teeth and the Launch of Zoella Beauty

ruth crilly model vlogger

I had a bit of a crazy day in town yesterday – jam-packed with meetings and errands and things to do – and so I thought that I would “vlog” it. (Regular readers will know how much I detest the word vlog; I will quite literally jump for joy the day it becomes something else. Because it’s bound to sooner or later – vlog will be an old-fashioned word and we’ll all be saying iVid or LifeCam or some such nonsense. I don’t care what it becomes, so long as it doesn’t end in “og”. BLOG. VLOG. Ugh. It’s like the sound of a toad throwing up.)

Anyway – where was I? Crazy day in town! I had hit my front tooth with a fork (don’t ask) and so had an emergency trip to the dentist, where I was scared half out of my wits by phrases such as “just drill a little hole in the back of your front tooth” and “pull the nerve out through it”. But then the X-Ray came back and I didn’t have a nerve in my front tooth anyway, it was dead from a previous “incident”, so there was nothing to take out! Hurray!

I then had a ton of meetings, which I couldn’t film (people are very unwilling to be filmed and I don’t blame them!) and after that I legged it to Triumph HQ where I tried the new Magic Wire bra. It is all kinds of amazing. All the effects of an underwired brassiere, but without the – um – wire. The comfort of a wireless bra, but with incredible uplift and shape.

zoella beauty launch

Then I went to my model agency, Models 1, because I needed some polaroids to be taken for my German agencies and then, Dear Readers, I hopped in a cab to Zoe Sugg’s party to celebrate the launch of her beauty range. If you don’t know Zoe (known online as Zoella) she is something of a Youtube sensation, with six million subscribers watching her videos. She also happens to be a properly lovely person and I’m so chuffed for her that she’s taking the world by storm!

zoella beauty guina pig bag

All of this is in my video, of course, so please do click the play button to follow me around the streets of London and delve into the events of my day. If you enjoy these vlog-style videos then you can subscribe to my vlog channel here – if you want to take a look at Zoella Beauty then it’s at The parka I wear throughout is from Hush, here – it’s the new season one, very warm. You’ll see it again in my upcoming lookbook videos.

Triumph Magic Wire Bra:

BLOW Salon:
My Models1 Portfolio:

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