The Budget Face Masks I Forgot to Post…
Brain like a sieve: I forgot to put the budget face masks in the Affordable Skincare Routine post and also, more importantly, I completely omitted to tell you that I had made a video to go alongside it!
If you read the main post, you’ll see that I’m doing a huge clearout in my beauty room, ready for house renovations to begin (*weeps*) and I am trying to film little videos along the way. There are boxes with notes taped to them dated from 2013, 2012 – even 2011! – with video ideas and lists of products to be included. Shameful. Some of the stuff (especially the more natural and organic) had mould growing inside. Some stuff smelt of old wee. I have chucked those things, obviously, but where they received a glowing report on my list, I have made an effort to replenish stocks so that I can finally get the filming done. So, plenty more vids to come, and not just skincare.
So here are the masks that I picked out from my box of budget beauty finds. If the photo above looks familiar, it’s because I did an almost identical post last year and have only just realised. At least I’m consistent! Here’s the older post:
Affordable Face Masks for Deep Cleansing Your Skin.
Oh dear. Rather than repeat myself, I think it’s best if you click the link above to read about the Visibly Clear 2-in-1, the 5 Minute Thermal Detox and the Liz Earle mask, but I do have a new addition to the mix, which is the Bioderma Hydrabio Moisturising Mask (£14.50 here). It’s a gentle, creamy mask that feels soothing and gives a bit of an extra moisture boost. I’ve been applying it in quite a thick layer, and then tissuing it off after about half an hour. Which is probably against all of the rules on the box, but I didn’t read the instructions and then the dog ate the packaging! I must say that I find it difficult to gauge results with moisturising masks; with a deep cleanse or renewing mask you can see a visible difference and feel a new smoothness or freshness but with hydration it’s hard to tell whether or not you’re any better off than just slathering on a good moisturiser! I must do more research on them, now that my skin seems to be getting drier and drier (hello new phase of pregnancy skin!) – there’s a new one from Suqqu that’s absolutely bloody AMAZING, but definitely not in the affordable category. Watch this space.
*Update: I almost forgot to put the video in, AGAIN! Here it is – for all of the product details, remember to click back to the main Affordable Skin Care post.