The Glass-Penised Gnome: How (Not) To Use A Pipette
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The Glass-Penised Gnome: How (Not) To Use A Pipette

This trend for the dribbling of skincare products directly onto the face really bemuses me. Ditto foundation dribbling. Pipettes are enough of a faff to use when you drop the product into the palm of your hand, why on earth would you ever attempt to pipe the product straight onto your face? Nobody does this in real…

My Current Skincare Routine: Autumn 2021
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My Current Skincare Routine: Autumn 2021

My “current skincare routine” feature is back! In typical Crilly fashion, I stopped doing my seasonal skincare videos and posts because I had bored myself with the same format. My skincare routine, four times a year, documenting any notable product discoveries or weird quirks with my skin – I felt as though I could still…

My Current Skincare Routine: Winter 2021
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My Current Skincare Routine: Winter 2021

My skincare routine for what shall forevermore be known as The Winter of Discontent. Obviously, in true Crilly style, I am posting this just as we pip over into springtime, but as I’ve said before, this is more of a journal post recording my skincare routine rather than anything that’s responding to seasonal changes or…

Skincare Routine Autumn 2020: Ramping Up The Actives

Skincare Routine Autumn 2020: Ramping Up The Actives

  I found this post in my drafts folder in February 2021 but have decided to publish it retrospectively with its intended October 2020 date because I’m trying to keep the blog in order! I haven’t changed any copy so the cottage reno information probably doesn’t make much sense – it’s a seaside project I’m…

Best Budget Beauty Under £20 – with Nadine Baggott
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Best Budget Beauty Under £20 – with Nadine Baggott

It’s Best Budget Beauty time again and who better to join me in my bargain-hunting exploits than the self-confessed dupe-obsessive Nadine Baggott? Nadine has decades of experience as a beauty editor and presenter and spends an unholy amount of time chasing down high-performance products that cost a fraction of the luxury versions. In this little…

My Current Skincare Routine: Winter 2020
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My Current Skincare Routine: Winter 2020

I’ve made some quite significant changes to my skincare routine since Christmas and so I thought it might be time for an update. This wasn’t the easiest update video to film, mostly because the issue of the hero product’s price-tag was hanging over me like a spectre the entire time I was talking about it!…

Best of 2019: My Skincare and Haircare Favourites
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Best of 2019: My Skincare and Haircare Favourites

Here are my 2019 favourites for skincare and haircare, including the latest shampoo discovery that actually changes the entire feel of my hair and the skincare that’ll make a proper difference to your beauty routine. I was going to do a bodycare version of this 2019 roundup, as well as a “best books” video, but…

ruth crilly age 38 video
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Smoking, Surgery and My Skin At 38

Here’s a visual delight for you; over 15 minutes of beauty confessional from Yours Truly. I talk about the Ten Year Challenge that took over Instagram and how I feel about my skin now that I’m 38, all via a chat about smoking and cosmetic surgery. So if you’ve ever wondered whether I have Botox or how…

ruth crilly and nadine baggott
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Skincare Worth The Splurge – With Nadine Baggott

Goodness me, this is a naughty one! I’m afraid those who are on the sensitive side should probably give this video with Nadine Baggott a miss – not only do we launch into an in-depth discussion about pubic hair preferences, Nadine introduces me to Scrotox. Not literally, because I don’t have a scrotum (also I…