Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Review

Liz Earle’s Cleanse & Polish, An Update

I often get asked about what my “all-time favourites” are, and I suppose that at some point I should really make a video about it. The problem is that there are always new readers coming through (hello new readers!) who haven’t seen previous posts, and so every now and again I have to go over old ground. My Cleanse & Polish does deserve to be re-covered, though, considering that I use it on an almost daily basis! It really is one of my staple products. (Read my first review here.)

For those who have never heard of Cleanse& Polish, it’s a two-step cleanser from natural beauty brand Liz Earle, and it works to deep-cleanse and gently exfoliate at the same time. It’s a pretty simple idea, but the results are brilliant. I have rarely heard any complaints about it, and if you type ‘Cleanse and Polish’ into Google search you’ll literally see tens of thousands of positive reviews. Some people subscribe to Cleanse & Polish so that one gets delivered every month!

The cleanser itself is a thick cream, dispensed from a pump-action bottle. You massage the cream over your skin, and you can really work it into your lashes and the eye area (with eyes closed, obviously) to help dissolve stubborn eye makeup. You then use the muslin cloth to remove the cleanser, soaking it first in warm water and holding it over your face to allow the warmth to loosen makeup and dirt. I use small, circular actions to remove my makeup, but when it comes to the eye area I fold the cloth and press it over my eye socket, like a compress, blotting away mascara and eyeshadow and repeating until my eyes are clean.

There are lots of ‘versions’ of Cleanse & Polish out there, and I have tried many of them, but there’s something about the Liz Earle version that keeps me coming back. It’s just very thorough, yet very gentle. Some say that it’s overpriced, but I don’t think that £12.25 is too bad at all for a cleanser that will last at least a month. If I use it once every day or every other day, a 100ml bottle lasts me for about two months, but you can use it twice a day if you wish. If previously you had neglected your cleansing routine, then you’ll probably notice dramatic differences once you start to Cleanse & Polish – good cleansing is, in my opinion, the basis of any successful skincare routine. The fact that you gently exfoliate with the cloth only makes this step more important – dead skin is sloughed away leaving the skin more receptive to any creams that you decide to use afterwards.

If you fancy giving C&P a try, you can get a 50ml bottle for £8 or a 30ml bottle with a muslin cloth for £5.25 – there are lots of sizes available for those who are already in love, too!

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