Etat Pur Giveaway – Five Free Skincare Sets! CLOSED
**UPDATE! And the winners are: martamartucel@xxx, giddyhorse@xxx, maraki_stam@xxx, sl_anna96@xxx, imogen-robson95@xxx. Well done! If one of the winners is YOU and you haven’t received an email, please let me know. I do tend to mis-spell email addresses and get my hyphens and underscores confused!**
If you didn’t read my post on Etat Pur on Saturday, then you can do so here: Etat Pur Skincare Solutions. Those who read it will know that I raved a little bit about the innovative way in which Etat Pur sell skincare products – online, at affordable prices, using brilliant research and development resources.
Do you want a piece of this pie? What’s pie in French? Tarte?
Whatever. If you’d like to win one of FIVE skincare sets (customised to fit your very own prescription!) then here’s how you enter.
1) As with all giveaways now, you must be signed up to AMR: Exclusive. Why you wouldn’t want to be is beyond me (haha!) because you get an amazing quarterly newsletter with secret stuff in it, but anyway. Sign up here!
2) You need to do your Etat Pur questionnaire and leave me a comment below telling me ONE of the products that appears on your prescription. If you win, you’ll get a whole set, but for now, just tell me one thing. It can be the product that most catches your eye, or the one that sounds the least appealing, or just a random one. Whichever you like! You can get your prescription in under a minute (if you know your stuff!) and the link to the Etat Pur homepage is here: ETAT PUR
3) Make sure that you leave me an email address where prompted in the comment form – no email, no prizey!
4) Get your entries in before 12pm (that’s noon, or midday depending on whether you speak like someone from a history book or not) on FRIDAY 11th MAY, 2012.
This is open to all members of AMR: Exclusive, wherever you are in the world.
Happy skin analysing!