la roche-posay my uv wearable sensor

Giveaway: Track Your Exposure to UV, Pollution and Pollen!

la roche-posay my uv wearable sensor

Well here’s a little something that gets my gadget-geek side a bit overexcited; La Roche-Posay have just launched an incredibly useful piece of tech called My Skin Track UV. It’s a wearable sensor that measures your exposure to UV, pollution, pollen and humidity and then, via an app, gives you personalised advice based on skin type and concern.

Giveaway below: 20 Sensors for UK Readers

This all tickles my fancy immensely, especially as I can’t seem to work out whether I am, for the first time ever, suffering with hayfever or just have the world’s longest-running cold. I’m dying to find out what the pollens levels are in various geographical locations (namely rural Somerset and central London) and see whether my move to the country has drastically reduced my exposure to pollution. (There has to be an upside to not being able to get Deliveroo!)

la roche-posay my uv wearable sensor

Most importantly, though, I’m very interested to see what the UV levels are at various times and in different places and track precisely how much exposure I get on a normal, mostly-indoors-eating-biscuits kind of day. Do I really need to be coating myself in SPF50 for the Tesco dash when it’s raining outside? And if it’s a scorcher out there (fat chance of that at the moment) then just how protected am I when I’ve applied my sunscreen?

All of these questions, so little time. Good job this wearable sensor needs no charging (also has no battery, no idea how that works but sounds ideal for me!) and is ridiculously easy to set up. Just clip it on and go – pendant, bracelet charm, lapel-badge, you could even clip it to your glasses if you didn’t mind looking like someone from the future. It’s incredibly small and inconspicuous – more like a decorative bead than wearable tech.

la roche-posay my uv wearable sensor

So I’ll do some testing and get back to you, but for the meanwhile I have TWENTY of these very clever wearable sensors, worth £50 each, to give away to UK readers. All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is leave a comment below – something weather-related would be good. Maybe give me your current weather status where you live: mine is RAIN WITH NO FORESEEABLE END. Entries before noon on Friday 14th and the independently – randomly – picked winners will be contacted the following week. One entry per person please! For full terms and conditions please see here.

la roche-posay my uv wearable sensor

It’s rather an exciting time for health and for skincare, I feel, with these tech innovations and the ability to gain easy access to your own data. Step-trackers, fitness monitors, apps that measure sleep quality; maybe it’s slightly narcissistic, but I don’t half enjoy finding out stuff about myself!

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  1. I didn’t know that one of my favorite skincare brands had a My Skin Track UV. I love it! I can’t believe that I’m just finding out about this. I can’t wait to wear their sensor because I’m always concerned with what exposure to UV rays and pollution does to my skin.

  2. This time last year I was wearing shorts & a vest top, this year it’s a poloneck, jeans, boots and a waterproof I need some sun!

  3. Rain, rain go away, come again another day…actually, no, don’t bother.
    Rain in June should be banned.

  4. It is actually sunny here in central Scotland this morning, hints of blue sky. Obviously our one day of summer has begun!

    1. So yesterday I squelched into a meeting on climate change and arrived soaked and dripping even with an umbrella. I guess this is supposed to be an April shower in June. Loving your blog ☔️

  5. Very high pollution, terrible air quality, sun is rarely not shining and it’s humid! Curious to see what this little gadget would report :-)

  6. Genuinely not sure if I’m currently more upset that I can’t get my washing out on the line or that I have become a person that cares about getting my washing out… Thank you rain for giving me this unpleasant dilemma!

  7. Just had some turf laid down in the garden so I’m kind of grateful for the massive amounts of rain. Not so much for the wet socks and shoes everytime I leave the house though.

  8. What a clever little gadget! I didn’t even know these were ‘a thing’!? I’d love something like this as despite the hideous rain that never seems to go away, I have melasma from my first pregnancy and five years later it ain’t shifting. I wear factor 50 on my face during the day but I’d like to know the amount of UV rays hitting my skin.

  9. No chance of over exposure to UV at the moment! Every lunch break spent during at my desk and looking out the window!

    1. Nice weather for ducks if it keeps raining I might grow feathers or develop webbed feet (not convenient in sandals)

  10. The UV tracker would be very helpful as I always forget that despite the current dire weather it is still very high this time of year. By the time I realise this it is too late and the newly acquired joy of pigmentation on my upper lip is fully realised and has on previous occasion elicited the nickname ‘Poirot’ from my partner

  11. Rain with NO FORSEEABLE END here also, but I am so pale and ginger that maybe this is better than last summer for me?

  12. So wet! I think last year we were fooled into thinking all British summers were full of glorious sunshine and melting ice cream

  13. I’m very intrigued on how it works! Currently in London it’s raining, started right after I got some new summer dresses. Guess I’ll have to save those for my holidays since it’s almost jumper weather at the moment.

  14. I’m in the UK and while it’s nice that the old hay fever has eased up, I’m kind of sick of somehow ending up soaking wet everyday seeing as EVERY umbrella in the house is now broken ( I actually think there is a market for umbrellas specifically made for British rain).

  15. Rain but sometimes the sun shines deceptively, particularly in the morning when one is picking their work outfit for the day. Just wonderful :)

  16. What a clever idea not only would this help to stop me getting burnt on the 3 occasions a year I venture outdoors but would also help with the dammed hayfever!
    Never ending rain just about covers it

  17. Grey, cold, wet & windy in Kent. I’m not a sun worshipper, but I think I’m missing it a bit x

  18. Blimmin’ rainin’ here too. Day 4 of non-stop (ok, I tell a lie – maybe the very odd occasional break in the clouds) PLEUT! This summer is gonna be a washout, I can tell Socks? And coats?! In JUNE? C’mon, Mother Nature. Sort it out!

  19. The weather is unfortunately DULL, DULL, DULL (as Craig Revel Horwood once dryly commented on Strictly Come Dancing)!
    What a great gadget – it’s just the ticket for hay fever and allergic rhinitis sufferers. Always love your La Roche Posay posts Ruth as I really rate their products. Keep up the great content : )

  20. I’m on holiday in the south of France this week and for the first year in ages appear not to have picked the only week of summer in the UK to miss! It’s lovely here. (Sorry!)

  21. Rain rain go away come another day as I am signing this along to my newborn, but really it is me who needs the sun to shine for me – in need of a serotonin level boost- oxytocin!

  22. Weather status: plants have drowned, heating is on, I’m googling last minute breaks to the sun. This sensor looks amazing!

  23. I am obsessed with laroche posay, have been using their cosmetics for years (I recommend their makeup range as well!)
    I am very eager to try out those smart little gadgets! What an innovative way to promote health and wellbeing!

  24. It’s a typical British summer…. unpredictable, sometimes sunny, sometimes gloomy, a bit soggy in places but also prone to quickly dry up with everything going crispy. A bit like me whilst going through the menopause !!!

  25. Despite the current non-stop rain, I work outdoors, with plants, all day every day. And I have melasma . I could certainly use one of these thingamabobs!

  26. Rain, rain and more rain forecast for Lancashire. Wishing it was sunny but also appreciating that I don’t need to put suncream on for the kids hour long tennis lesson because my skin is ridiculous! A bit warmer would be nice so I don’t have my heating on in June though!!!

  27. I know i’ve been got older when I hear myself saying “all this rain is good for the garden”! At least the hay fever has eased off a bit

  28. I’ve just come back from 10 days in mauritius and am the same colour as when I left….no such thing as a healthy tan!

  29. If this rain ever stops, I am going to spend the summer sans clothes. Naked as a daisy, maybe, except for this clever gadget. x

  30. This looks very cool indeed. Would love one to use with our boys (the pale, mole covered husband included) X

  31. Here one day it’s raining, the other it’s humid and warm, the other it’s cold and dry, i cannot but rain or not always wear your spf people!!

  32. Wow this is amazing! As an autistic woman, I am prone to not sensing how hot/cold I am and have become strict with SPF most days. But I have been caught out on a few occasions, especially when making sure my kids get reapplied and forgetting about myself! I also, all of a sudden since pregnancy, have developed hay fever for the first time in my life and I’m still unsure of what it ‘feels like’. This little necklace could help me so much in understanding how my body reacts to the UK weather.

  33. I NEVER wear sunscreen. Ok, not quite accurate, I never wear sunscreen on a normal day dashing about to Tesco and the like. Only worn on exotic holidays, which is a rare occurence. Interested to see if I should consider upping my “screen game” with this nifty little device.
    Love your blog!

  34. My toddler’s first ‘sentence’ has come out this week – ‘Oh no rainy, clouds’ Which seems to sum it all up really!

  35. Cool and breezy with a constant drizzle… with the occasional downpour… garden is looking lush but slightly battered … really interesting gadget and I am intrigued

  36. Currently using SFF 30 in my day cream and tinted moisturiser with added sunscreen when the sun comes out! Living in the North of Scotland & we are experiencing high winds and rain, so I would so interested to learn about the different strengths of the suns rays exposures! What a magnificent looking little gadget! I would love to give this to my mum who is currently receiving treatment for pre cancer skin treatment with a chemo cream. She has never sun bathed and always wears sunscreen but sadly has extremely fair skin :-(

  37. Winter is here!

    Would love this little piece of kit as I suffer from melasma so would be very useful x

  38. Currently on vacation in Japan and genius me booked during the freaking rainy season!
    Still having the time of our lives though <3

  39. Keep waiting for summer. As a Greek who lives in London, rainy weather in June makes me rethink my life decisions

  40. I’m hoping I qualify as I am back in the UK a lot but I also spend a lot of time in Bangkok for work. When I’m in the UK I’m either in London or Lincolnshire – feel like it might be great to compare all these places! Where I am it’s currenrly rainy season, about 33 c and HUMID. Can’t wait to be back in more rain yet half the temperature Especially considering it was the insane summer heatwave last time I was back!

  41. Raining as usual for summer in England! May need to get the canoe out at this rate to make it in to work!

  42. Had the blooming log burner on yesterday and today! We have never had it on it June before! Never!!! The sausage dog was happy though

  43. Currently it’s torrential rain out there. I really need one of those sensors I think. Being disabled I rarely leave the house, maybe once a week and I’m lazy about my suncare and maybe the sensor would wake me up to how much I need it.

  44. Hey Ruth,

    My sister is making me do this. I do think it’ll be useful. Pick me please! Thank
    You Heeri

  45. I don’t qualify for the giveaway as I live in the US. But wanted to report my weather: 96 degrees f (36c) and glaring, violent sun. With a steady breeze that keeps the air visibly thick with pollen. I’d trade for wellies and woolies in a heart beat!

  46. So great! With this rainy weather indeed it would be good to understand how you actually are exposed to UV! Please summer…come to us soon… We miss you!

  47. Wet and muddy and that’s just the state of my floor with animals coming in with no courtesy to wipe their feet! Happy June…!

  48. This is brilliant! I may need two – one for my face (usually under a cap plus SPF) and one for my gardening hands, which look about 20 years older. But yes, we need sun first!

  49. Such an interesting piece of gadgetry, would love to know more. We have the heating on, approximately 15 degrees Celsius and rain, lots of it

  50. Thanks for the giveaway Ruth!
    And unfortunately weather here is not different than yours – rain, rain rain… (London)

  51. I have just moved from the Cotswolds to London and suffer from horrendous hay fever, so this would be really useful in understanding the changes to my skin. I wear spf on my face every day, but I don’t know how much of a difference it makes (if any) to the effects of pollution.

  52. Gutted to find it raining this morning after waking up at 4am with major hayfever! What storm is this anyway?!

  53. I have the typical Irish skin, as white as white can be! No matter how hard I try I will get burnt at least once in the ‘summer’. I also live and work in central London which is just the bees knees for pollution. Top that off with working in a hospital where everything, absolutely everything is now electronic I’m surprised the skin on my face is still on my face and hasn’t joined up with my boobs, which are down to my belly….. everything is heading south except my husband not often enough! Sorry TMI!

  54. I want this so bad! We have skin cancer in our family and I like the thought of getting data-geeky about monitoring the sun’s rays and keeping on top of sun protection.

  55. It’s like a Winter’s night here in Northern Ireland. Will Sport’s Day be cancelled for the 2nd time due to bad weather? This gadget would be so useful for me. I’ve just turned 40 and just got hyperpigmentation all over my face. I mean, we don’t even get Sun here. Must have been those few days I skipped my factor 50!

  56. This is such an interesting looking gadget! Perfect way to keep on top of the environment around you.

    Meanwhile in the midlands we have; incessant rain, endless grey skies and lots of puddles! Resorted to drinking frozen cocktails in bed, dreaming of the sun shining down!

  57. OMG I would love one of these!
    Lovely weather in the Midlands too. If you’re a mushroom or a slug..

  58. Ha the most British of comment sections, discussing the weather! The wettest of Junes in London! :(

  59. Currently sat by an open fire here in Wadebridge, Cornwall as this weather … cold , damp and gloomy stops me wanting to do any thing! Looks better for next week though

  60. I’m so excited by this, love skin care even more than I love a gadget.

    My weather comment is that I’m sure it always rains a bit more on the school run and when I have lots of washing to dry.

  61. Ooh this is right up my street…. weather currently is dark and rainy, with threats of thunder storms. Very ‘October afternoon in the geography classroom’. X

  62. Omg this sounds amazing! I live in London but travel frequently so would be so interesting to see the changes (especially when I go to Yorkshire). The weather in London today is miserable and rainy, we have been having some glorious days too though!

  63. Dry, drizzle, downpour, repeat. Multiple times per day.

    Would LOVE to find out the pollution levels of my current place in London. I’m convinced it’s exacerbated a number of dormant allergies whilst I’ve been here and would love to know if it’s actually as extreme as my overactive brain believes.

  64. I sometimes think why does the rain never stop in Scotland, I’m just thinking how gooey my skin could potentially be if it was sunny here ahaha oh well

  65. MISSING: Sun
    Age: 4.6bn years old
    Last seen: London, Easter weekend 2019, very hot/acting suspiciously.

  66. The forecast is for what my 4 year old twins call Welly Weather. At least they are happy about the wet! I say, how about a spot of sandal weather?

    Would love to win one of these.

  67. I hate to tell you but it’s been lovely and sunny with a cool breeze the past two days in NI anything that isn’t rain is good weather!

  68. I am so envious of my friends posting nice sunny pictures from back home (Romania) and I am playing chess with the weather here in the south east so I can take some instagrammable shots.

  69. Rain rain go away come again another day (preferably when I’m out of the country so I can feel like I truly escaped the weather)!

  70. I genuinely am not sure what the weather is doing, it’s muggy but raining. So I’m either sweating in a knitted jumper or soaked through in a t-shirt – I don’t know *weather* I’m coming or going

  71. Rain, as per usual, in the beautiful Scottish Highlands but the Lochs are full and the grass is green so it can’t all be bad…………

    1. This looks really interesting, thank you for the information ;)
      And for the weather update, cloudy but no rain today hurray!

    1. For a change, it’s not raining in Scotland! I’m not saying I’ve been watching the weather forecasts feeling smug this week but… I have. Sorry England. Back to normal tomorrow I’m sure!

  72. I would love to try one of these! Weather here today has been grey with a constant drizzle. Dreaming of warm sunny days…

  73. Lovely bit of rain here and yellow weather warning for wind. I’m on holiday from work too. The husband wants to go camping!!

  74. Haven’t seen the light of day for a while due to work. Air con is up to high. Therefore it is cold but dry.

  75. Missed out on using the patch they did a few years ago as it had a used by date on. Would love to try this as a mum of 3 young boys think it would be interesting and help them to understand sun safety as you can never go wrong with a bit of science

  76. Extremely rainy and miserable in London. It’s alright if you’re at home but trying to brave the journey to the station is not looking appealing

  77. It has actually sopped raining in south Devon at the moment! Although I expect it’ll start as soon as I leave the office tonight…..

  78. The weather outside is utterly awful, wet and cold. Typical UK. I do love the sound of rain though. Love the competition!

  79. Here’s my top tip for knowing how long rain will last – watch the birds. When they are out feeding in torrential downpours they have decided that it’s likely to last for hours and they are just going to have to put up with it.

    They’re a bit like me when I’m deciding when’s the best time to dash out to the shops, but way better at making that judgement call in reality.

  80. I’d love to try this beauty-tech! We are currently holidaying in Spain although we’ve had torrential rain, sun and bloomin cold wind! Goodness knows what’s happening with the weather! Fingers crossed for a win on this instead. X

  81. Oh Ruth this looks great I’m forever running to get my phone to check the uv levels. The thought of pinning this to my specs and looking like someone from the future just makes this give away all the more appealing!!! Weather news from Devon : unseasonably cold and gloomy. Monday I filmed what can only be described as a heart shape twister cloud circling over head. A small burst of thunder and lighting followed and the temperature plummeted further. I remember storms occurring in hot weather in times of yore, what is going on? Thanks for the great giveaway and spot of excitement

  82. The gadget looks great and I would love to test it!

    It seems too bad that we have the heating on in the middle of June, but there needs to be some UV filled days just around the corner

  83. Very cloudy + temperature bellow 15C = sweater weather here in Wales :) Although, a warm beverage helps to get though it

  84. Rain, rain and more rain here in Birmingham. Boo!

    On the upside, this little gadget looks fantastic. What a fab idea!

  85. Grey and Rainy here in Kew, London. Boooo! Would love to receive one of these to see how much pollen and pollution I’m exposed to!

  86. Hello from rainy East Midlands :) Actually wishing for the rain to stay till Friday, so my daughter’s cricket practice will be cancelled and I can start on my Prosecco earlier :)
    Would love to win one of these xxx

  87. Grey, grey, grey in London. I’m as interested in the pollution sensor – I work in central London all week. Excellent giveaway, thanks!

  88. Sounds great although you would be careful not to mislay it. I could have used such a device a few weekends ago when an unplanned cup of coffee in my sisters garden without any UV protection (as it was unplanned) resulted in crab stick arms for a few days. Also to have the pollen count built in this makes it a more rounded gadget (if gadgets can be described as rounded). Very intriguing post and piece of kit and great that you don’t need to check re-charging it. I, like so many others, must spend half of my life re-charging gadgets….

  89. Hello Ruth! I would love to try one of these, here is to hoping that the weather is DRY for my wedding on the 1st of August (crosses fingers and toes)!

  90. Trinidad, California 70 degrees
    Clouds giving way to some sun; cooler
    Winds from the NNW 6 mph, Gusts: 10 mph
    Max UV Index: 10 (Extreme)

  91. It’s grey, it’s cold, it’s wet. I am still wearing factor 50. As are two of my children. Because we are of the ginger variety….

  92. Currently in sunny Greece sun sun and more 30 degree sun.
    Myself and my partner are both wearing factor 30 yet he burned in half a day. I am 1 week in and looking bronzed. Makes me wonder what is actually happening to my skin if it can damage his so easily.

  93. I use spf 50 all year round so this would be brilliant to judge if I could get away with 20 spf; well done La Roche Posay, always reliable and wonderful skincare products.

  94. “Light rain with moderate breeze”
    i.e. put the washing out, then bring it in almost immediately, then hang it out again, and repeat until nightfall

  95. Three sodding days of rain and no end in sight! They say it’s grim Up North….they’re right!

  96. I would be really interested to see how much pollution I am exposed to cycling though London.

    One plus side of the never ending rain is that I am getting a lot of wear out of my incredibly attractive waterproof trousers!

  97. Currently in Belfast it’s…..grey! Hoping for sunshine for the British Open in Portrush in a few weeks! Then again, grey and damp gives us those gorgeous green fields! No one comes here for the weather!!

  98. Drizzle here. We seem to have used up all the summer last year and now we are just getting autumn instead.

  99. Wet wet wet..windy, grey totally miserable and flaming fed up of Wiltshire weather! Seeks dry, bright sunny long lost days of summer in her mid life June days.

  100. SUnshine in the morning, thunder everynight – surprisingly thrilled by the no.of storms this ‘summer’.. if I can’t get outside, No oNe caN

  101. From a French weather obsessed based in Beckenham, Kent: white-grey clouds which could indicate it is going to clear out or rain later. Great to decide what to wear! I have a feeling it’s not cold. Quick check on BBC weather: apparently, it’s 16°C, lovely… I mean…how disappointing…I draw/colour the weather every day on my kitchen big calendar indicating every day’s temperatures and have been comparing likes for likes from past years and it was around 23°C and 24°C in 2018 and 2017. So we’re definitely on the losing end…As I’m solar powered, I’ve been a bit ‘hmm’ (or rather ‘WFT?’ too) this week. It’s lucky your post arrives in my email box every morning as it is a sun on my screen I usually read when eating my banana breakfast (with one spoon of Meridian almond spread, not sponsored).

  102. This sounds amazing! Not that cold here in Kent, but very miserable, what a difference compared to last year’s summer of all summers!

  103. The heating came on this morning – it’s the middle of June! Do I really need to be coating my face in SPF 50 daily (sometimes twice daily) when the weather is this miserable?

  104. Looks amazing, for someone who is lax to say the least with SPF it’s something that I feel would prompt me to do what I should be doing automatically…it’s just difficult in the UK with our less than favourable weather to think of it….rain is all I can see for the foreseeable

  105. I’m sat here wondering if I should put the heating on but then I think it’s June it should be lovely and warm not dull, grey and cold.

  106. Just moved from England to the top of a mountain in Northern Ireland – beautiful views, but its been raining for 2 weeks now. Hoping for some sun or at least a dry day or two!

  107. Quite fascinating thing, i would love to see how it works

    On the other hands never ending rain starts to fascinate me on how it’s even physically possible x

  108. Wow! Love a bit of tech.. and combine it with skincare; that’s a definite Yes! from me. Not sure what’s happened to the weather in the South East here. Threatening rain (yet again!) :(

  109. Rain no shine… whatever happened to summer. I just packed away my winter/outerwear. Silly me – English weather. Should know better, especially as I got caught up in the pouring rain last week and a few week ago while out with the baby buggy!!!

  110. Very, very overcast with no summer in sight – Haslemere, Surrey.

    Although I can’t complain too much being a pale redhead, that burns with the slightest inkling of sunshine!!

  111. It has rained pretty much every day in June so far here in the highlands of Scotland, but there has been some sun intermittently so SPF all the way regardless! This little gadget is so clever Ruth, it would really remind you to protect your skin regardless of the weather!

  112. I live in Amsterdam and the weather’s awful here too. And no mountains or hills to stop the constant, never-ending, relentless wind. I miss hills.

  113. Gosh! It’s about time there was a device like this.. i live in central London.. Old Kent road to be exact and it’s heavily polluted even though my council says not! With 3 kids under 5, taking them for walks, to the park, to and from nursery, just being outdoors would be interesting to see what it’s doing to their little lungs. Opening the windows here means taking in a big glug of that diesel from the lorries and buses. However on a not so gloomy day the views are incredible. Anyway… As a new mum I’m going off track! The weather here today is part sunny part cloudy and windy with rain expected this afternoon. That’ll be a fun walk to do the nursery run later! X

  114. Grey, bleak and rainy and also it must be agitating all the pollen as I feel as if there is a colony of ants crawling around the tip of my nose and am constantly sniffing and sneezing!!

  115. Very rainy here in rural Devon! I have only just moved here, all the way from Kent which seems to be kind of sunny at the moment? Well compared to here anyway! Although the weather is rather crap I’m so happy I moved! Probably because of all the money in saving as I can’t get a take away delivered down here!

  116. Put the washing out early this morning, rain expected later, relying on husband to notice rain and take it in (oh dear)!

  117. Where has the lovely sun gone. Probably to Ibiza. Anyway rain and more rain.
    Would love to try this gadget to see if I do need to lather on Factor 50 everyday,

  118. Grey and overcast with a bit of sun here. But I am praying for rain as I love storms and grey clouds. I grew up in a country where droughts were common, it gives you a completely different perspective on rain and I always appreciate the rain when it comes.

  119. Exactly this! I never know whether I really need to both with the old sunscreen to walk the dog when it’s overcast and chilly. Seems bonkers…but that’s not what all those lovely skincare experts tell me. But I do like to let my skin breathe every now and then!

  120. So the rain is entirely my fault! I bought patio furntiure for my garden (first time in 7 years) and have now clearly jinxed the summer!

  121. I small window of grey cloud in the continuous biblical levels of rain. The next monsoon appears imminent. FML!

  122. Currently would be certain I had the flu – except my eyes itch so much I worry I may lose all control and scratch them out which suggests hay fever. Can it be hay fever, though, when the fact I am in my office in my thickest hoody and a quick look outside confirms it is, in fact, stil February? Life is one big hay fever and weather related conundrum!

  123. I live on the Wirral and it has rained so hard over the last few days that everywhere is flooded. I have just been out for a run and am writing this covered head to foot in water, mud and other debris from some very considerate drivers! On the positive side it looks sunny next week but lets hope that we don’t run out of good weather before the six week summer with my four children ;-) I would love to win this to give myself a good kick up the arse concerning sunscreen which I just seem to find complicated yet worrying. Also have a husband who turns into a snivelling wreck over the hayfever season. All the joys of Summer……when it arrives xxx

  124. After my journey into work this morning, I’m considering trading my car in for a boat! When is this rain going to end?!

  125. Endless rain in the Southeast, BUT, it’s supposed to be dry and in the mid twenties next week! We’ll see

  126. Raining and gloomy in London. Had to took my winter coat out few days ago *insert emoji crying*.

    Would love to know more about my exposure to pollution with little gadget!

  127. Current weather – bright but chilly with possible rain later. Travelling a lot with work recently makes it hard to keep up with weather forecasts and impossible to pack for!

  128. I live in Northern Ireland so our weather forecast is basically degrees of rain- drizzle, raining, pouring or lashing!

  129. Such an interesting giveaway. We’re enduring biblical levels of rain in Liverpool. There is one positive. My gardening mad husband works away during the week and I’m left with a detailed list of plants to water whilst he’s away. The current weather means I don’t need to go near the watering can! ️

  130. I spend my whole day wondering whether I have enough spf on, not to mention worrying about my kids (2 and 4) the poor kids are probably severing lacking in vitamin D (although they do have the drops when I remember!)
    I have a bad sneezing habit at the moment so I’m also a pollen watcher. I seem to start sneezing in bed at about 5.30 am and then it improves some days and some days it’s terrible. Like you I wonder if it’s a long cold or pollen or who knows what!
    We’re in Brighton and it’s currently drizzling!

  131. Current weather – overcast and grey all over. Though not currently raining, the miserableness of the clouds are making me NEVER feel safe without a raincoat.

  132. It’s been all rain this week and it feels depressing. I’m singing “oh Mr Sun, sun, Mr Golden Sun, pease shine down on me” everyday but its still not working.

  133. The weather here is shite and looks like it’s going to be shite for a while longer. I wore a scarf the other day. A scarf. It’s June. Shite!

  134. What a fab idea, would be fascinating to find out just how bad London is for my skin!

    Only good thing about the wet weather we are having is that the pollen count drops a bit. My hay fever started in January this year!!!

  135. 100% chance of precipitation. 10°c feels like 8°c
    Back on with the hooded winter coat and out staking the windswept, despondent plants, with their heavily laden blooms face down in puddles of gloom ☂️☂️☂️

  136. Stormy rain, hoping it’ll be sunny again, maybe even a rainbow thrown in but that’s asking for a lot ;) currently watching my 3yr old boss Alexa around ‘ALEXAA! pway hreee lickle ducks!’ And ‘Alexa I wuv you’ I explained she’s not a person but Alexa replied ‘you know how to make me feel special’ the baby books don’t advise you how to deal with this one eh;) anyway, hope you have a fab day!x

  137. Interested to try this. My sinuses flare up in this weather so would be great to know whether pollutants, etc are affecting this.

  138. Weather is a kinda big thing for me at the moment. In rainy-sunny-rainy London now but next week getting married in the super hot Poznan and then mini-mooning it in the also super hot New York. I am just going to stick to SPF 50 every day!

  139. Depressing drizzle. Everything is damp and I don’t think we’ll ever see the sun again. [Dramatic hand to brow flounce.]

  140. This sounds like a great gadget! Hayfever has been awful, as is the weather… how is there so much pollen in London :-o

  141. Constant rain and cold, might as well be winter. Not going to lie put the heating on for a little bit the other night. Is English summer always this bad?

  142. Looked out the window at work yesterday at the unprecedented amount of rain in an hour and realising I hadn’t brought a coat…today I think I’m prepared and I wear a big coat and now sweating on the the train…British Summer for you

  143. How clever is that! Its raining (shock!) down in Cornwall again, or still, or maybe that should be always. Always raining.

  144. This is genius! I have an autoimmune disease that means my skin cannot tan and whenever I am exposed to the sun I’ve always worried how much damage my skin is suffering without showing.

    I’m glad brands have begun finding ways to boost awareness of the damaging powers of pollution and UV.

  145. Oooooh this is bloody genius.
    It would be absolutely perfect for my Dad who is photosensitive which means he is allergic to light.
    This would enable him to measure how might light he has been exposed to and could potentially have a really positive impact on his day to day life x

  146. Everyday I check the forecast before washing my hair as there is no point in washing it if there will be rain…I haven’t washed my hair in almost a week!!

  147. My weather is currently also RAIN WITH NO FORESEEABLE END with a side of wind and getting soggy shoes and tights. On the bright side I am distracting myself by planning trips away, so a UV and pollution sensor would be a fab accessory to take away with me!

  148. Out with mop and bucket after 36 hours of torrential rain and blocked drain. Grey scudding clouds and no sun. But thanks to awareness raising from Ruth, I am wearing SPF 50. I have been well taught :)
    Great looking gizmo. Would love to know pollen levels given my itchy watery eyes every summer.

  149. Weather (also Somerset) drizzly with very boggy ground due to horrific amounts of rain, hail and wind over the weekend. Walking the dog is a joy!!
    On a more serious note this gadget looks amazing for all sorts of reasons. I seem to have developed hayfever while my husbands has disappeared, where is the justice there? So it would be useful to know what is making my eyes stream so much that all make up disappears.
    Thanks Ruth for doing this.

  150. England, winter coat and sandals cause once we’r past may boots are away and tights are a definite no….I have to feel like it’s summer really somehow

  151. Weather in Bristol: Cloudy, grey.
    Very interested in this for pollution, as I ride a motorbike and often sat behind car exhausts. Lookoing forward to your review!

  152. Wow this would be great. I had a mole removed last year for suspected cancer at 41 years old. It’s so easy to forget how little sun you need to get uv even with the gloomy weather in Manchester.

  153. Weather: suspiciously sunny and warm (I’m in Scotland).
    Hayfever: currently being bombarded by my arch nemesis: lime trees.
    I’d absolutely love one of these. I wear SPF 50 at all times and perhaps it’s overkill!

  154. Current weather situation- I’m wearing a big jumper, drinking tea and have lit some candles looking out at the rain. Yes we have gone back to Winter

  155. Drizzle and gloom… My hair looks like I’ve been electricuted… My ghost pale, burn at the mention of the sun, skin has found its happy place. I have not. Arghhh

  156. Oh my word! Another gadget for me. I should have been a robot! Currently drowning here in Bedford. Should have learned to swim

  157. Oh I would love one of these, if only to prove to my OH that I am not crazy to wear SPF in this miserable “summer” weather

  158. There’s just rain here but I’m off to Wales in 2 weeks where I am hoping for some better weather so this little gadget would be great.

  159. “Light cloud and light winds.” Pretty accurate as I’ve just had a colonoscopy feel a bit battered like the flowers in my garden!

  160. How exciting! I’ve always wanted to know how much UV there is on a typical British gloomy/wet day ;p forecast says 90% chance of rain today so pretty standard. Fingers crossed for myself

  161. Weather status: Endlessly wet
    Hayfever status: Insufferable
    Hunger status: Always ravenous
    Make up status: Looking pretty fine today
    Thanks for the opportunity Ruth! My oily skin hates most sunscreen so the less I need to wear it the better. Totally understand the need for it but i feel like i am choosing between melasma or spots all summer

  162. Cambridge. Damp, not actually raining ATM.
    This gadget looks good, might even buy it if I don’t win.

  163. In the bright side, the gardens really need all this rain!! Just wish it would happen at night. The sensor sounds fantastic. Not only for UV levels but also pollution.

  164. This is SO interesting. As someone whose body is becoming increasingly stressed out by pollen/the sun/the outdoors in general, this would be seriously handy! Current local weather forecast is rain forever, the end.

  165. It was my birthday on Monday, so I have to apologise for the weather. I once said ‘it’s always sunny on my birthday’ and it has rained ever since!! And apparently will continue to do so all week…

  166. It’s boiling hot and sunny in LA! Was 102 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday, thankfully dropping down to the high 80s today.

  167. I live in very central London and I’m constantly worried about the pollution. I’m completely militant in my suncream but when I spend most of my day bouncing between offices and then shaded by sky scrapers I’m not always sure how much it’s helping. It’s the pollution that is probably far worse but never sure how to combat it!

  168. We’re prolly at the worse place for this non stop 24 hours rain. Lincolnshire is the place to be if you like the sound of rain. One good thing is there is no sun so my skin is behaving instead of blistering with eczema which takes FOREVER to heal.

  169. Managed to have torrential rain and glorious sunshine all in one day yesterday, so at least my La Roche-Posay spf 50 got some use yesterday!

  170. This is so fascinating! What a nifty little piece of tech! I would love to see my exposure to UV levels!

    As for the current weather, the only way I can describe it is soggy! Praying it clears up for my staycation in a few weeks… but then again you’re already wet in a hot tub so what does it matter?!

    1. This would be great for my daughter. She is moving to Hong Kong soon so change in weather, levels of pollution, lifestyle. Would be great to monitor.

    1. Very interested! I’m a pale Londoner so not only is pollution an issue but I’ve burned in the shade and on cloudy days lol very delicate. So UV protection is a must but how high?

  171. The incessant rain has brought joy to my kids. My 2 year old daughter snuck into the garden barefoot and jumped in the puddles, laughing like a mad woman. My 5 year old son (both of my kids are fair skinned and ginger haired) is thrilled that I’m not nagging him to top up his suncream at school and that he doesn’t have to wear his sun hat.

  172. Torrential rain. Going to get worse over the weekend. Here’s hoping my cocktail umbrella will keep me dry.

  173. At least this gloomy weather is allowing me to wear my lovely new trench coat and save a little bit of the SPF50, every cloud and all that.

  174. Definitely regretted the summer dress and open toe sandals when I got out of the car with no umbrella when it was chucking it down!! Would love to win this- another thing for my boyfriend to say ‘is that really worth it?’ X

  175. This would be awesome!! I wear SPF 30 everyday now but I didn’t always…I’d notice the odd bit of pigmentation come up and wonder what I was doing wrong but now I wear SPF regardless

    This would be a great way of knowing for sure that you’re doing the right thing…also I get married in 7 weeks so would be amazing to know I’m looking after my skin properly before the big day! ☺️

  176. In Liverpool we have an Amber weather warning, it is like Noah is building another ark somewhere. Very frustrating as a district nurse – I’ve been banging on patient’s doors with various bits of medical equipment held over my head!

  177. Currently backpacking through south east Asia, currently in Hoi An where is around 37c but feels like 47 with humidity! I keep getting met office weather alerts on my phone for Manchester though… I thought I was the one going to get the tropics downpours !!

  178. It’s raining, it’s pouring, no chance of mommy snoring. Toddler screams all night to get in mommy’s bed then won’t get up in the morning.

  179. Yesterday it rained all day. It didn’t stop at all. It was that fine rain where you look outside and can’t see any raindrops bouncing on the floor/ puddles but you get soaked if you go out in it (especially if you are me who forgot her coat and umbrella ) hoping today will be a better day!!

  180. Current forecast is rain until I go on holiday where I can only imagine the forecast will be more rain. Why rain follows me around holiday, I do not know.

    I would love a little bit of this wearable tech!

  181. A months worth of rainfall in one day in London over the weekend. Currently on a work trip to Basel where it is ALSO RAINING. I obviously packed linens and no waterproofs. So looking forward to returning to more rain at home – recently moved house and lost all umbrellas ☂ ‍♀️ Have resigned myself to a month of looking permanently drowned rat.

  182. That would be amazing! I’m always with the impression I don’t get much uv light. I think that would prove me wrong!

  183. I’m such a geek so this would be so interesting ! Weather here currently: zero UV due to never ending rain (although I am sitting in the baby’s room in the dark, sshh-ing right now).
    On a semi-sunny day this sensor would be fab!

  184. From my office in north London (lovely blue skies and sunshine to my commute home to Kent (full on soaked down to the pants rainstorm)

  185. From my office in north London (lovely blue skies and sunshine to my commute home to Kent full on soaked down to the pants rainstorm

  186. Nice and cool here without much sun. Would love to get one of these new sensors before the major summertime sun and heat hit!

  187. Raining so much ! I’m quite depressed with it at the minute ! My daughter is doing her first overnight for Duke of Edinburgh tomorrow … poor thing

  188. We’ve come to Barcelona (somewhere it only rains 50 days of the year on average) and we have two days of rain! Although it is giving us a chance to visit some beautiful museums / art galleries without feeling guilty about being inside

  189. Why oh why is the weather so terrible??? It’s JUNE for goodness sake and I’m in my fuzzy slippers and flannels. Unacceptable. In other news, this giveaway looks amazing!

  190. Why does it always rain on me? Or more specifically why does it always rain at breaktime (I’m a primary school teacher)? Love the idea of this gadget.

  191. Great idea! It would be so interesting to know how much UV my skin is exposed to. Pretty sure I would be surprised at the amount and think it’ll give me a kick up the bum to wear spf everyday (as I should anyway).

  192. Rain here too!
    Would love to win one of these! Be interested to track pollution and UV rays everyday – I bet it’s much higher than we all think xx

  193. Put washing out, took it in 10 mins later when it started to rain. Sun came out – repeated aforementioned 4 times.

  194. Rain, rain and more bloody rain. With a side of the rain that makes your flyaways curly and look like a crazed old man. Such is my life now. Going to have to start wearing a plastic bag around my head or paper bag over my face since the makeup isn’t sticking in this weather either.

  195. Absolutely pissing down with rain here, the dog loves it and I look like a nutter in my full waterproofs! So intrigued to hear about pollen count as I also have the constant dribbly nose of a is-it-a-cold or is-it-hayfever season

  196. It’s raining so much here at the moment that the water is getting in my bedroom. Not ideal. But I’d love one of these to be more conscious about my sun exposure!

  197. What a fantastic idea! I’d be so interested to know how much UV exposure I get in my little corner of England. Thanks for sharing xx

  198. Dry here but only a matter of time before it pours – school sports day on Thursday! Would love to try this as my hay fever has been dire recently. And I am a stats geek…

  199. Rain, but clearing up at the weekend and we might get some not leaking clouds. Just in time for my BBQ to arrive and then for me to head to the west of Ireland to see my parents – and I bet you can’t guess what the weather forecast is there this weekend!!

  200. What an intriguing piece of tech! I’ll soon be swapping the drab office atmosphere for (hopefully) beautiful, sunny Croatia. What better way to test this! Thanks for the giveaway chick!

  201. We did the move to the countryside for similar health reasons. Now the weather has made us get the wood burner lit again – blazing June indeed!

  202. Unfortunately my weather forecast for the coming week also seems to be rain, and more rain. Went to Chester last weekend, got rained on (truly biblical downpour – thought I would never be dry again) and it seems to have followed me home to the west midlands. At least it’s good for the plants as my grandmother would say

  203. My current weather situation seems to be rain, rain and more rain!!! I need the summer to get here!!! xxx

  204. Oh my god the pollen this year, I could rip my face out haha, so it would be really interesting to know the facts ! Great idea for a little giveaway :)

  205. April showers brings May flowers. June downpour better bring decent sunshine soon! I need my Vitamin D but this rain seems never ending!

  206. As my husband says; it’s rain cakes, here! Meaning large cupcake size drops of rain.
    Heavy down pours that pound you, not much fun!

  207. Traveling throughout the U.K. this week and omg it’s raining everywhere! North, south, east, and west!

  208. Just checked the weather forecast and there’s 100% chance of rain here in York. Definitely more rain coats and wellies rather than sunnies and SPF! Hopefully we’ll see some sunshine in the near future!

  209. Can’t even remember what sun looks like!

    Would be great to win this, I’m in the military and spend a lot of time outside so always worried about exposure and skin health. Not seen this new technology, very exciting !

  210. Rain, rain and more rain! Desperately trying to resist putting the heating on. In June!!! V clever gadget!

  211. Rainy and cold. Heating was put on for an hour. My husband is away but I was totally expecting his thermostat telepathy to kick in and to get a message telling me to turn it off. X

  212. Even thought the forecast is rain for the next week, and I’m working on the ark plans, I’m hoping the sun comes back at some point and this would be very useful for my Casper like skin!

  213. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that every single person in the UK is suddenly complaining about all the non-stop rain or that for us here in the deep dark hills of the NorthWest of England, this is just standard really?! How do we know it’s Summer? The kids wake you up at 5:30am that’s how!

  214. Currently packing for a trip home to Dublin. Asked my sister for advice on what to pack. “It’s chilly, but muggy and bring sunglasses.” Grrreat….

  215. Super exciting! Wearable tech has been in the market for a while but this foray into skincare is definitely welcome and exciting! I’m actually quite diligent about sunscreen and thinking about hair and scalp sunscreen for everyday London use – do you have any recommendations please?

  216. Very wet with a fairly sure chance of being wet with likelihood of wet in the near future. Considered putting on the heat for 5.34 seconds the. Found my dressing gown . Also feel as though I have a perpetual cold but am trying to convince myself it’s hay fever.

  217. Raining – the sort that’s heavy enough to soak through your teainers and make your socks soggy after about 5 minutes of being out in it but not so heavy that it deters the dog from going out in the back garden, getting all muddy and then walking it all over the house!

    1. Grim is my current word ford the weather. Also suffering the worst hayfever this year so it would b ed great to have something to confirm that’s the cause of my symptoms. And if the sun ever returns to Scotland see what SPF I actually need here, as you say. Wearable tech is such a cool thing, love the idea of this.

  218. Woah exciting gadget.
    Weather update: a cold wet front bringing damp jeans and socks for the first part of the working day. Frizzy hair bringing in the afternoon with a high of a gazillion open umbrellas.

  219. My 23 year old problematic and pollution affected skin needs this clever contraption more than it needs Vitamin D (the one from the sun, not the XY chromosome – although I wouldn’t say no to both)

  220. Cold wet wintery June here too.
    I have to go on a dreaded work trip to Hamburg next week, where on the plus side it will be sunny, but on the negative side we’ll be building sandcastles as a team building exercise (I know, in that well-known beach destination of Hamburg). A little UV gadget to play with while I’m outside would at least be something exciting for the occasion!

  221. I’ve just put on long sleeve pyjamas and am considering getting the firewood out of the shed. Sad June times.

  222. I’ve just put on long sleeve pyjamas and am considering getting the firewood out of the shed. Sad June times.

  223. Raining and slightly chilly but I hate the heat and sun so I’m actually quite happy with the current weather

  224. Rain hail and thunderstorms here – still hopeful for FLAMING JUNE – Love the sound of these beauties

  225. It’s been raining loads this last couple of days and last night it was really windy. I always sleep with the window open and I like the wind blowing the curtains.

  226. Just back from tap class so… singing (and dancing) in the rain. Do de do doo, do de do de doo do de ☔

  227. It rained so much it made a huge oak tree branch fall down and land on (and destroy) 6 cars!!! Not mine, my lovely friend and her work colleagues!

  228. All just coming up rain for the next week or so. I have heard a rumor of a heatwave but in north east England that might just mean no big coats.

  229. This is so interesting, I’m a teacher of DT and we cover wearable tec. I would be great to have one of these to show the kids and reinforce the importance of sunscreen!

  230. Looking hopeful for summer here in lovely Belfast. Warm but windy and for once, not raining! A wearable pollen detector sounds amazing. Can it do anything for heat related inner thigh rub? (Asking for a friend).

  231. The weather is broken, the months we had of sunshine last year are late in coming which leads me to believe this NEVER ENDING rain is our summer. Either that or the world is ending, if frogs start falling from the sky at least there’s still a chance the sun will follow.

  232. In car, on the way to a week’s holiday in northern Scotland, so sorry – it’s probably my fault the weather is like this.
    Also have just been told by sister-in-law that it’s warmer in mid-winter New Zealand!

  233. In deepest Norfolk we currently have MIZZLE! The only upside is the reason to use ‘mizzle’. Fascinated as to how this gadget works

  234. Ever since I was in roacutane I’ve worn 50spf everyday now out of habit! But always thought I don’t get that much exposure so would be very interested to see!!!

  235. It’s been tipping it down all week in Bath. The dog and I had a very soggy walk and I can say for sure that neither of us enjoyed it! West Country mud is the muddiest mud in the whole of the UK!! I would love one of these, I got caught out a few weeks ago and like an idiot I went out without any spf on (I use a lot of acids, so very stupid) but it was very wet and then the sun came out in full force and now…hyperpigmentation! Very irritating! It would be fascinating to know what my exposure is…especially with all the dog walks! xx

    1. These look interesting! Not quite washed away by all the rain yesterday but looking and feeling washed out through lack of sleep at the moment… Hope you are feeling are feeling a lot better now.

    1. Waiting for real June weather to start. I tried the effaclar duo on your recommendation a few years ago, and it is the only thing that clears my acne, (have tried Almost every brand at boots) and have since been using it every day with the spf version and also the effaclar mask. Thank u for saving my skin!

    ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE.
    Install delayed….please wait.
    Installation failed. Please try again. 404 error: Season not found. Season “Summer” cannot be located. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

    1. Last night: in uk – sat on settee with blanket over me, contemplating turning the heating up that I’d just turned down the day before!
      Last week: enjoyed the lovely balmy weather in Zante☀️

  237. Ooh, this looks fun!

    Been stuck in the office in Cornwall all day, and it was so cold I had to go outside to warm up.

    Non-stop rain all week too. When will it end…

  238. Can I do yesterday’s weather? We had SUN ALL DAY. In Newcastle. I was slathered in factor 50. Today-2 coats…

  239. Threatening torrential rain, people are walking swiftly in case they’re caught in it. Windy and chilly, but not that cold.

    It’s pretty chilly but no rain at this moment, the clouds are threatening though!! I’m in central Lonodn and everyone is very confused as to what to wear; people fall into three categories:
    1) Dressed for the rain – I’ve seen cagoules and wellies out there
    2) Dressed for the actual temperature (14C), but really hot the moment you step onto a train or tube
    3) Dressed for the weather we all want in June, bare legs and no jacket – and they’re all freezing with a look of regret on their faces.

    (I’m number 2)

  240. Ooh I’d love to try one of these! After standing out in the rain for 45 minutes on playground duty today I did question the necessity of my factor 50!

  241. Rain here, which my dog seems to think she’s allergic to which makes bedtime toilet trips interesting. Bring back the sun!

  242. Another cold dull day in Berkshire, I wouldn’t mind it if I didn’t keep thinking about putting the heating on. I shall not give in, not in June!!

  243. I came back from sunny Lake Como this weekend and now is enshrouded in heavy grey clouds in London … for the foreseeable future. Oh well, at least I experienced the warmth of a sun at some point this month.

  244. Currently blue skies in Surrey with rain forecast so currently debating whether to brave a run outside or be lazy and stay dry!

  245. It’s completely grey here in London, but will be heading to Toronto very soon for some (hopefully) beautiful blue skies :)

  246. I’m currently in Sweden on holiday! Lovely and warm yesterday (hello red nose) and rainy today! Would be so interesting to know the exposure in different weather conditions! (My sinuses are also irritated by everything under the sun so would be interested to see how these effect my skin too!

  247. Oh it’s a grey day but my ivory skin is still in need of factor 50! Am very interested in this gadget.

  248. Oh, I need one of these in my life!

    An Edinburgher born and bred, I’m now living in Devon and have been caught out with the sun before and looked like a post cooked lobster.

    Fat chance of that happening this week, with thunder macthunderface passing over us.

    But when the sun comes out, it will be helpful (and sensible) to monitor my UV exposure.

  249. In Nottingham it’s absolutely slinging it down and has been for the past 24 hours!! The forecast isn’t looking promising for the next few days and as my son has his 10th birthday party booked at an outdoor pursuits centre on Friday I’m envisaging scenes like that of Glastonbury circa 1997!!!

  250. Current weather – biblical. So over the rain! These look a nifty gadget for if the rain ever let’s up…

  251. I speak for nature our garden is enjoying the rain with intermittent sun. I didn’t enjoy the intense heat last year although we have had enough rain this year to keep our fields green. Washing is out today so it must be dry in NI

  252. 10degrees in the Northeast and have just walked 10k steps in 2 hours in a god forsaken shopping centre ( I kid you not) trying to find a half decent cardigan. Panicked bought a shapeless grey one from M&S, #atleastitscheap #0sustainability

  253. In Winchester it really is a bit of everything. Rain when I decide to wear a short-sleeve and skirt and sunshine when I wear thermals.

  254. Grey and gloomy in Reading … thinking of putting the heating on. Never mind, to quote Eeyore, “however, we haven’t had an earthquake lately.” Must be thankful for small mercies!

  255. Requiring sunglasses, umbrella, sunscreen, winter coat, wellie boots all in one day….#lifeinBelfast

  256. We are truly living in the Future, eh?!
    I would love one of these as a snotty-nosed-gooey-eyed pollen avoider.

    Weather… Wet, ain’t it. Think of me at Glastonbury in a few weeks!

    1. Greeeeeey. That’s it. So grey. And dull. And wet. Waaah! How am I actually missing my usual hay-fever?!

    1. Current weather status for Hertfordshire: forget the straighteners, nothing can fight the frizz when it is this wet.

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