How to Concentrate and Get Things Done.

by | Aug 8, 2013

ruth crilly panda

I’m becoming something of an expert at “getting things done”. Setting myself goals and then simply doing what I need to do to get them ticked off the list. The key to this “getting things done” business seems to be to remove all distractions from one’s vicinity. Take your phone and put it downstairs, preferably in a drawer and with the ringer turned off. Disconnect your internet so that you can’t waste time on Twitter and Facebook. Tell your nearest and dearest that from 5pm until 7pm (or whenever) you are NOT to be disturbed. Give yourself small and achievable goals on a daily basis rather than panicking about the bigger picture all the time.

I’ve been quite inspired by a book called The One Thing  – see link below – in which the author urges us to decide what our “One Thing” is and devote a set amount of time to it every day. Uninterrupted time spent only doing your “One Thing”. For me, at the moment, it’s getting the first three chapters of my novel written for my MA final. After that, it’ll be finishing my dissertation. Just “one thing” for three or four hours every day, and the rest of the time can be spent as you wish. IT’S A BLOODY REVELATION! I’M GETTING SO MUCH DONE! I know that it all sounds obvious, but what I used to do was try to do everything at once, all day long. And that simply doesn’t work. Blocking off chunks of your day so that you do one thing at a time, and do it well: that works.

Other best thing for “getting things done”? The Freedom App (again, see below) or, as recommended to me since I talked about the Freedom App, the Self Control app. Takes your computer offline for a set amount of time or, if you need to be connected to the internet, you can block social networking sites so that you’re not tempted to chat. Hurrah!

Please do give this video a watch if you can – for some reason, sensible and informative videos never seem to get so many views on Youtube. I should stick a clip of the cat falling in the bath at the beginning, that’d get them watching… Anyway, it’s full of useful tips, I hope, so please take a look. If you’re reading on email then you’ll need to click here.

The book “The One Thing” is here:
Alpine Earplugs are here:
My top is an old one from Maje
Makeup is Hourglass foundation and Avon eyeshadow/mascara/blush.
Freedom app is here:


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