
Lancaster Monaco Fast Tan Optimizer

Lancaster Monaco Fast Tan OptimizerI didn’t actually realise that this product contained fake-tan until I went to double-check the price! I just thought that my face had developed a beautifully glowing, healthy tan all by itself! Duh.

 I used Lancaster’s Fast Tan Optimizer when I was in Greece and I couldn’t believe how beautiful it made my skin look. It has a sheeny shimmer to it that makes skin look sexy and bronzed whilst the SPF15 helps to protect against UVA and UVB rays. I probably wouldn’t recommend this to someone with extremely fair skin or skin that burns easily – mine doesn’t and so SPF15 was OK for me, but if you were somewhere extremely hot you might want to up your protection a little.

Anyway, this cream has it all – glamorous shimmer, sun protection, and a hint of a tanner just to give your skin an extra boost. I love it! It retails for £20, but Escentual.com have it on at £13.33 and you get a snazzy Lancaster beach bag thrown into the deal!

Lancaster Monaco Fast Tan Optimizer link


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