model minmax magazine

MinMax Beauty Interview and Random Vlog…

model minmax magazine

I completely forgot to link to the interview that I did for MinMax Beauty earlier on this week – if you want to see the actual magazine shoot and official behind-the-scenes video then please click here, but if you’ve already seen those and want to read my interview then you can do so by clicking here. I chat about everything from beauty disasters to modelling tips.

MinMax Beauty: We get our hands on ‘A Model Recommends’…

I made a bit of a random vlog when I was at the MinMax shoot; it was so nice not to have to worry about getting proper content (we had a videographer present) and so I concentrated on just speaking gibberish and recording nonsense. So here you see me attempting to clean my face with a dish-scourer and chatting away about dead bodies and how they can be turned into diamonds… I’m really trying to remember to vlog more, but I have to admit that I struggle with it. Partly because I’m always quite busy, but mostly because many of the people I spend my time with “off duty” couldn’t think of anything worse than appearing in a Youtube video! Which is somewhat limiting. Mr AMR has offered to be in my videos wearing a mask or a full gorilla suit, but I can’t see how that would solve anything…


With many thanks to the MinMax Beauty team for a wonderful shoot day. All credits are below – please check out the mag!

Amazing filming and editing by Matt Jarvis:

Ruth Crilly’s Instagram:
Ricki Hall’s Instagram:

Photographer: Elisabeth Hoff @ A&R Photographic
Make-Up: Caroline Barnes @ Frank Agency
Hair: Liam Curran @ Frank Agency
Fashion Stylist: Hayley Caine
Models: Ruth Crilly at Models1:
Ricki Hall at NEVS:
Digital Operator: Curtis Gibson
Photographic Assistant: Eva Haftmann
Behind the scenes filming: Matt Jarvis

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