Mr AMR’s Christmas Wish List

mr amr's christmas wish list

I asked Mr AMR for some help with my Men’s Christmas Gift Guide, thinking he would scour the internet for interesting items to add to my list. Items I would perhaps be able to order in and then, you know, show in the video. But no: twenty minutes later I received an email containing a series of links and it was basically Mr AMR’s personal Christmas Fantasy Wish List. So there I was, expecting to be shown some brilliant online finds that I could jazz my video up with, but instead I was clicking on links to motorbikes and drill sets!

Watch the Man Gifts Video here…

Anyway, here’s his list, just in case you’re interested. I do say in my Gift Guide video that people should come and have a look at it if they “fancy a laugh”, but there’s nothing particularly amusing about it, other than the fact that it offers a small insight into my husband’s psyche. What is it with men and drills? I mean, how often do most men actually use a drill?

You can read more Christmas posts here…

I have copied his list exactly as it arrived – there was no pre-amble here, it was all very much straight to the point. Drill. Drone. Camera. (Disclaimer: we don’t actually do big Christmas presents anymore – most years we forget to buy each other anything! – so this is very much a fantasy list. If fantasy is even remotely the right word. But you never know – maybe I’ll surprise him! With the drill kit, obviously…)

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