My Favourite Gadgets of 2012!
Don’t be scared – we’re not about to embark on a techy-talk here, it’s just my run-down of the brilliant gadgetry that has landed at AMR HQ this year. A couple of the gadgets (Babyliss Big Hair and the Kindle) are pre-2012, but no matter; they’re the ones that are really standing the test of time. The Big Hair is possibly one of the best beauty tools that has ever been invented, and I don’t say that lightly!
Anyway, let’s not spoil the video – it’s all in there! The only gadget that may need a little more explanation is the Virgin Pure Water Bar. It dispenses ice-cold water at the touch of a button and I reckon I’ve increased my water consumption at home by around three or four times. I’m good at drinking my water when I’m out and about, I usually buy bottled, but when it comes to drinking tap water I’m rubbish! Drinking from the machine feels as though I’m having a proper drink, something more exciting than just water. I know that it is just water, but you know what I mean. It’s chilled, it’s filtered, it’s just…nice. The other side of the machine holds hot water and dispenses it at just the right temperature for my herbal tea and there’s a button in the middle that I still can’t work out. It’s a kind of “customised” button for those who like lukewarm water. Or something. I’ll experiment with it over the Christmas hols and let you know! You’ll see more of the Virgin Water Bar in the New Year.
Sidenote 2: the Kindle Paperwhite is brilliant. Very, very easy on the eyes in terms of screen brightness and so on. If you’re serious about reading and do lots of it, then steer clear of doing so on your iPad or tablet; for me, reading for long periods on a backlit screen is a surefire way to developing a monster headache! The new Paperwhite screen can be adjusted so that the page is brighter or dimmer, depending on your needs and preferences. I think that it’s well worth the extra investment rather than plumping for the entry level version. Of course, if you’re strapped for cash then the entry-level £69 Kindle is too well-priced to ignore.
More details and links for each gadget are below the video pane – do have a look at my separate review video on the iPad Mini, too – I got one for my birthday and I’ve recorded my initial thoughts. It’s over on my vlog channel but the link is underneath with the rest of the information!
If you can’t see the video box, which is likely, because something catastrophic seems to have happened to my embedding function (that sounds rude) then please click HERE
iPad Mini Review on the vlog channel!
Please subscribe for more videos and thanks so much for watching! Ruth xx
Babyliss Big Hair:
iPad Mini – I have this one:
Kindle Fire HD:
My Kindle with Keyboard 3G is now discontinued, I think. The entry level Kindle is £69 here:
Kindle Paperwhite:
Cuisinart Bread Machine:
Virgin Water Bar, more info on that here:
George Foreman Grills, I have this one:
As mentioned in the video, the Kindle Paperwhite and the Virgin Water Bar are with me for review, the rest of the gadgets are ones that I have purchased or been given as a gift!