My Zara Crazy-Sleeve Shopping Try-On

I ordered a load of stuff with crazy sleeves from Zara. I haven’t completely lost the plot; I wanted some interesting ruffles and puffs to add a bit of pizazz to some makeup videos I want to film. I wanted something sculptural, almost, because one of the videos is about skin-finishing and doesn’t really have much going on in the way of colour. So the architectural sleeves were supposed to do the talking and the skin would be all clean and glowing and simple by comparison…

Anyway, enough of my frustrated art director ramblings: here’s the try-on video. I haven’t done a proper fashion vlog in years, so it was a bit of an eye opener to edit the video and see myself getting changed in between shots, when the camera was still running. I say “eye opener” and mean “absolute shock” because my body was a totally different shape than I expected, especially around the middle! Oh well. I’ll start thinking about my health and general lifestyle choices after Christmas, because it seems fruitless to begin now.

Fruitless is a pretty good choice of word there, too. Sums up my diet! Haha.







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  1. Have watched this 3x now. Just want to ask about that third item you’ve tried on the black and purple ruffled sleeves blazer. I’m planning to buy the same exact blazer and give it to a friend as a birthday present. What size was that on the video? I know Zara tends to run smaller but my friend wears in between Small to Medium in Zara depends on the fabric material and style. The only thing is the only size that’s still available online is Small so I really want to be sure if the Small of this item would fit her. Thanks much and your reply and feedback would be highly appreciated. Super love this video! Cheers!:)

  2. This was just what I needed to see as I struggle to make sense of my new body ten months post-partum. On the plus side, my hips are bigger so my waist seems smaller in an hour class kind of way? You look fabulous and I love the fun of this video. Thanks for all you do, reading about your fertility and pregnancy journeys when I was going through IVF was invaluable and obviously, I also had a happy ending in the form of a gorgeous son who is even now smiling through chicken pox and I’m so grateful but at the same time have similar feelings about my current abdominal situation.

  3. The jacket looks bloody amazing on you!!! You have to keep it – it looked so good with the jeans and shoes.
    Thanks so much for the laughs and the great commentary – you’re a tonic of joy in a crazy old world.

  4. Jesus Zara sizes are beyond depressing.Nearly cried in their changing rooms recently trying to shoe horn myself into fake leather leggings
    Jacket was bonkers but looked absolutely great.What do men and small children know…

  5. Well that made me remember why I love you and your channel so much !So fun and real and relatable ! The jacket looked absolutely fabulous on you honestly and Zara is made for straight boyish figures lol I even struggle with the large most times. Looking forward to the Christmas videos and lots of love from Dubai !
    P.S where are you silk scrunchies from ? I notice and love them in all your videos !

  6. If I didn’t already adore you, I would now. Thank you for being so real. You are beautiful but you’re real. I’m a 58 year old grandma who loves clothes and fashion, but my choices are getting considerably narrower. Bummer. I know. If you ever travel to Colorado, I’d love to have you round to dinner.

  7. Zara’s sizing makes me depressed – I wish I could understand it but feel comforted in knowing that many don’t. Aside from that can I just say that as humorous as that jacket looked, it had a certain je ne sais quoi.

  8. Have you ever done the cat face transformation on insta while Mr Bear is with you? My cat went mad hahahahaha.
    Glad I’m not the only one who finds Zara a squeeze.

    Sorry I’m babysitting and it’s gone midnight and I have as six month baby at home so I know even when I get back there will be no sleep

  9. You absolutely must keep the ruffle sleeve jacket!!! The sleeves were whimsical and cheeky and Dramatic. Like a flamenco skirt for your shoulders. Ignore the haters. That jacket is Pure Gold.

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