perfume autumn 2015 launches
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New Perfume Launches: Autumn 2015

perfume autumn 2015 launches

I’ve filmed a new fragrance video but parts of it are so incredibly random and silly that I thought I’d do a written accompaniment. I basically came up with this stupid idea that I’d try and describe each of the perfumes using only two words, but things just got out of hand. One fragrance ended up with “Cosy Pyjamas” as a description, another one “Deadly Flowers”. Give it a watch if you want to spend ten minutes in a sort of alternate reality where nothing much makes sense. (Also have a look if you’d like a peek at the littlest member of the AMR Family. She makes a very brief appearance.)

I tend to be a bit slack when it comes to fragrance reviewing, mainly because the new launches are constant and I find it all a bit overwhelming. It’s also quite difficult to talk about scent when it’s such a personal and subjective matter – my take on a perfume might be completely different to yours. But I’m going to try and do a fragrance roundup on a more regular basis, if people find it interesting or useful? The video might be a bit crazy and rambling but I did quite enjoy filming it!

There are six fragrances altogether – I’ve listed them below the video screen with a little summary of my thoughts. If you’d like to read previous fragrance reviews then you can find them all here.

The first perfume is Michael Kors’ 24K Brilliant Gold – online here. My least favourite of the bunch because it’s just a bit too top-heavy for me and I don’t get enough of the fruitiness to balance out the florals. I find it a bit suffocating!

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Ironically, I really like the Rose Gold version but after I took the photograph I went and packed it away, thinking that I would like the Brilliant Gold more. Never judge a book by its cover. Or perfume by its box.

fragrance review

Talking of boxes, I went in and did the same thing straight away with Modern Muse Le Rouge from Estée Lauder. Judged it by its box. Which is red. And red is possibly my least favourite colour. I very rarely wear red clothing, or buy red accessories, or have anything in my home that is red. I’ve never had a red car. I do wear red lipstick and am partial, now and then, to a bit of red polish on my nails, but overall I am a red-free zone. Which is why it surprised me that I liked Le Rouge so much – a sexy, spicy little rose number that’s rather sophisticated and grown-up. Velvety and smooth, peppery and dark, if it was a lady then she’d breakfast at Claridges and wear La Perla lingerie. You can find it online here.

fragrance review

Gucci Bamboo isn’t masculine, per se, but it’s got that edginess that makes it a world away from being girly or “nice”. In the advert the model does loads of adventurous things like – er – driving a car and – er – playing the piano naked, but ignore all of that and you have a fragrance that’s seductive and delicious. Bit of the old favourite orange blossom at the top and then some lovely warm and woody notes at the bottom. Sandalwood, amber, vanilla. Bring it on, sex bomb. You can find it online here.

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If you’re a regular reader then you’ll already know that I like the new Daisy Dream Forever from Marc Jacobs. To save me repeating myself, you can read the full review here. To me, it’s early nights, cosy pyjamas and a hot chocolate on bonfire night.

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And to my favourite new launch; Clinique’s Aromatics In Black. What a treat! So heady that it’s almost cloying, so mind-transporting that I have to be careful how much I spray. This is heavy on the jasmine, which I would usually hate, but the blend with other notes (including myrhh and vetiver) is so clever that I just want to smell it again and again. If you’re passing Harrods then stop and have a spray – you can also find it online here.

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Tom Ford’s Noir Pour Femme was a close second at the start of last week, but it was (possibly) overtaken by Lauder’s Le Rouge, mainly because dark and dirty rose scents seem to just do it for me. Noir Pour Femme is gorgeous – smoky and woody, as you’d expect from Tom Ford, but also with a kind of smooth softness. Teetering, as always, on the masculine side, but a lot more feminine and (I think) wearable than many of the private blend perfumes. You can find Noir online here.

fragrance review miu miu

Finally, Miu Miu by Miu Miu. (It’s new new. Ha.) Quirky and cute, this perfume became more and more interesting over time. To me, it’s like a light-hearted little peach fizz, but there’s no mention of peach in the notes. Fresh and light, but there are some more serious and deep notes too. I’ve really tried to like this enough to wear it, but although I find it interesting, it just doesn’t sit well on my skin. Perhaps it’s the focus on lilies – I’m not that good with lilies. Maybe because they’re toxic to cats and I hold it against them? I don’t know. You can find Miu Miu online here.

Right – that turned into a mammoth post! Let me know your fragrant thoughts in the comments below – I’d especially welcome any opinions on the Aromatics in Black, because I’m just head over heels in love with that one.



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