Pregnancy Week 23
Oooh, getting in there right at the last minute with my Week 23 diary entry! This week has mostly been dominated by very achey bones. Not all the time, just when I’m asleep (or trying to be asleep). Hip bones, rib bones, shoulder bones, thigh bones, it feels as though I’ve been bashed all over with a cricket bat, but then the aches and pains almost completely disappear once I’m up and about. Apart from the old ribs, which seem to detest me being in any position other than “standing upright with my back impossibly straight”.
Other than that, not much to report apart from the fact that I am loving this stage of pregnancy; I have my appetite back, I have much more energy than a few weeks ago and I’m starting to get very excited about the arrival of the baby. My sister has a fourteen-month-old and I keep having a little look back at the older pictures of when she was first born and feeling very broody. I’m also slightly daunted, as ever, because I’m well aware of just how much hard work it will all be, and so I’m making sure I appreciate every little minute that I can simply do what I like without having to really think about anyone else. I’m so used to being in control of everything and ensuring that I meet targets and stick to my self-made deadlines, and I know that all of my routines and work habits are just going to go flying out of the window!
But anyway, my little What to Expect app tells me that there are sixteen weeks to go yet, and so I have plenty of time to mentally adjust and start winding down to a more feasible work rate. I do around sixty hours a week on A Model Recommends, and often find myself still editing film or transferring video files at midnight, and I know that I won’t be able to continue that level of commitment when I have a new baby. What I have realised, however, is that a lot of the time I’m doing faffy, unproductive administrative tasks, and so by farming all of that stuff out, and concentrating on the content-making, I should actually be able to retain something near to my usual output whilst cutting my hours dramatically. The other day I turned off my emails and didn’t look at Twitter, and I got all of my content done in six hours rather than the usual twelve. So there’s hope for me yet – I think I just need to use my time more efficiently!