Sunday Tittle Tattle: A Dog, A Cat and a Kayak.

by | Sep 21, 2014

holiday kinsterna hotel

1) Hurrah! The Sunday Tittle Tattle is back. I’m back. Part of me wishes that it was still in Greece, but it’s good to start the New Year feeling relaxed and healthy and positively brimming with Vitamin D. (“NEW YEAR?” I hear you screech, “what the hell is that woman on about?” And I get you; it’s September, not January. But does nobody else still think in terms of school years? I have never quite managed to kick the habit, fifteen years after leaving sixth form (oh God). I suppose I then did Uni for many years, on and off, and my Mum and brother both teach, so they think in school years… Tell me I’m not the only one that does this? I find September to be far more cathartic in terms of “new starts” than January could ever be. The revitalising effects of the summer, Christmas to look forward to.. Discuss, comment, tell me your thoughts.) Where was I? Brimming with Vitamin D! Yes. I have a few more holiday posts to go and then I’ll shut up about it.

incurably curious blog

2) I have been catching up on one of my favourite blogs, Incurably Curious. Have I told you about this blog before? It’s so bloody funny, I actually find myself blurting out weird shout-laughs if I read it on the train. If you ever need cheering up, click on over and read through the archives – the review of Fifty Shades of Grey is just spot-on.

cream british shorthair

3) So many of you have been chomping at the bit for pet pictures, so here they are: Mr Bear rolling on a rug (above) and Dexter wearing a cardigan. Kind of.

dexter cockapoo

4) Also, here’s me in a Kayak:

ruth crilly in a kayak

Mr AMR bought this earlier on in the year and said that he would use it every day to go up and down the river in front our house. So far he has been in it twice. So I am commandeering it and shall be learning how to kayak. Really, really fast. I did five minutes the other day and was knackered beyond belief so I’m guessing it’s pretty good exercise. If anyone has any kayaking tips, pray share. I’m all over the shop at the moment, zig-zagging around the river like some kind of demented Outward Bound instructor.

5) Sorry sorry sorry to the Max Factor lipstick winners; I forgot to post the prizes before I went on holidays! It’s at the top of my list for things to remember on Monday. Your lippies will be with you soon!


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