ruth crilly home life
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Sunday Tittle Tattle: Day In My Life Vlogs

a day in my lifeI completely forgot to post up the Day In My Life videos I made; one of them follows an entire day “with baby” and the other one, to offer some contrast, is a work day. And by work, I mean working from my home office, tied to the computer and not even glancing up for about nine hours! (Lies: I spend a good proportion of time in the morning faffing about.)

I have a nanny for two days a week, now, and so I try to get all of my work done in that space of time. It doesn’t work out that way at all, because social media is a round-the-clock-never-stop sort of thing and so invariably I do work every day, whether it’s during the baby’s nap times or late at night. I’ve tried to calculate how many hours I spend on my various endeavours (A Model RecommendsThe Uphill, writing fiction, Colab dry shampoo) and I reckon it to be around 35 hours per week. Pre-baby, it was 70. I think (think) that I get more done now and I hope that what I do is of a better quality, which goes to show what can happen if I focus and stop reading the Mail Online. Ha!

I should mention that Mr AMR is also freelance and is at home more than the average working person. Which is brilliant. We split the childcare thing pretty well, I’d say – some weeks he has a lot on, and I stay at home on my own with the baby and go slightly mad and start crawling the walls, and other weeks it might be that I have to go away, or have a lot of content to produce or deadlines to meet, and he takes over the lion’s share. It works very well and I am eternally grateful that we have this set-up. We’ve both always been freelance, so I suppose we went into the parenthood game knowing that this would be the case, but still – I feel very lucky. Especially as a lot of the time we try to get our work done in the evenings so that we can do nice family things in the day.

Anyway, I’ve totally digressed and given you a breakdown of our domestic situation, which wasn’t intentional – if you’re not bored to tears then do watch the Day In My Life vlogs. I’ve embedded the work one below, the baby one is on my Youtube channel here.

If anyone has any questions about being freelance, balancing work and home life, how I go about organising my features for the websites or more obscure subjects then please do leave them in the comments – I’m thinking about doing a little Q&A video, depending on interest levels…

 Read more Sunday Tittle Tattles here…

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