Sunday Tittle Tattle: Things I’ve Been Doing
I have nothing particularly profound to say this Sunday (do I ever?!) and so I thought I’d give you a little run-down of what I’ve been up to this week. Apart from feeding the baby, which seems to take up approximately 89% of my time, and procrastinating over whether to eat a Mini Magnum or not, which takes up the remaining 11% of my time. (I’ve done pretty well, only two Mini Magnums this week. And I need the extra calories for breastfeeding, obviously.)
What I’ve Been Reading: Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres (here*). How had I not read this before? It’s absolutely brilliant! Proper post coming up, but I am just blown away by how much I enjoyed this story – it’s one of the funniest, most romantic, most tragically sad and harrowing novels I’ve ever read. I wept for around an hour at one point (those who have read it will know what I mean when I say: Carlo acting as a human bullet shield) but I also laughed out loud on numerous occasions, much to the annoyance of the feeding baby. Whatever: the night feeding sessions were made infinitely more bearable knowing that I had this book to return to…
What I’ve Been Wearing: The Beauty Balm by Trish McEvoy. A fresh, lightweight BB cream with a nice tint and SPF35, this evens out skintone and feels really hydrating with no greasy or chalky sort of residue. It reminds me a lot of the Clarins Detox one, which is up there with my all-time favourite bases – though, like that one, it comes up rather warm and dark. I’ve been using shade 1, but it’s a tiny smidgen too warm for me – if you’re fair, it’s probably a no-go. It’s also £65 a tube (Selfridges here*) but does do a beautiful job of giving you that fresh, healthy “low-key” look if you have some serious beauty cash to spare. Otherwise, look to the Clarins BB for a similar feel..
What I’ve Been Getting Wrong: all of the details in the Alpha-H post that went out on Friday night. The Vitamin Profiling Collection is £49.99 and not £49 and the free Beauty Sleep Peel offer has run out and therefore is not free with spends of over £70. Sorry! Read the post here for more details.
What I’ve Been Laughing At: oh, laughing so hard. You will probably have seen this by now, but the part where the baby appears in his walker from around the door, it just kills me. It’s a video clip of a BBC news segment and the man being interviewed (about something really very serious) has forgotten to barricade his office door, which we all know is a must if you have kids about and want to get any work done. Rookie error. I’ve replayed this video approximately two thousand times, so here it is for your viewing pleasure – you’re welcome.