Sunday Tittle Tattle: Whatchoo Lookin’ At?
Mr Bear giving me the evil eye. He doesn’t like to be photographed during his private moments (when he’s drinking water from the tap, eating whole prawns, on the toilet – not that I would want to take a picture of him in his toilet, though he does sometimes look very funny and human with his head sticking out of the top of his litter box!) and this is his best “whatchoo lookin’ at?” face.
Beauty catch-up: Five Makeup Tricks to Look More Awake…
It has been a funny old week; I went out to work (filming for The Telegraph) for the first time without the baby. I had been quite anxious about it, but actually it was really nice to have some time to myself. Before we started shooting on the first day I had a spare twenty minutes and got to sit about in the Green Room eating my Pret yoghurt and “Vitamin Volcano” smoothie. God, it was so relaxing! I even read a bit of Stylist magazine. I felt like a proper adult again, though I did have to spend some of the time expressing milk with my portable breast pump (oh the glamour) to stop my right boob from exploding.
I must dash and do some tidying because look:
the window sill in my en suite. Luckily Mr AMR doesn’t ever set foot in there because he has a thing about mess. So do I – it actually makes me feel physically nauseous – I just never seem to be able to stay on top of it. I started sorting my bathroom cabinet two weeks ago and so far nothing has made it back inside, so today is the day. That and clearing up the clothes in the nursery so that we can move the baby’s cot in…
If you’re interested in my 8 Month Baby and Body Update then you can read that over on my blog The Uphill – if you’re not then I will be back tomorrow with a new post. Have a wonderful Sunday.