sam bunting flawless cleanser review

Skincare Review: Dr Sam’s Flawless Cleanser

Those searching for an uncomplicated cleanser with spotless credentials need search no further: Dr Sam’s Flawless Cleanser is as straightforward and effective as they come. I’ve been using it for a few months and it has gradually become the face cleanser I grab when I can’t be bothered to think about which face cleanser to grab. When…

sensitive skin face masks

Pai Skincare: Targeted Treatment Masks for Sensitive Skin

I haven’t really gone on too much about my “pregnancy” skin; mostly because, if truth be known, all has been quite plain-sailing. Actually, I’d go one better than that and say that my skin throughout pregnancy (apart from a few dodgy months at the start) has been the best that it has ever been. Very…

Effaclar Anti-Blemish System: the Testers’ Verdict

Effaclar Anti-Blemish System: the Testers’ Verdict

Lengthiest post in the world alert. Do you remember when I recruited some skin care guinea pigs to test out the new Effaclar Anti-Blemish System*? Way back when the sun was shining and we weren’t being relentlessly pelted with hailstones and cold rain? Well the results are in. Overall, the response is great. I have to say…

skincare and makeup for acne prone skin

How to Wear Makeup on Blemish-Prone Skin…

  Smashbox’s Photo Finish Blemish Control Primer has been very swiftly promoted to my “hall of fame” level – or “holy grail” status, as I think the proper term might be these days. It’s outstanding, this primer, in that it addresses a concern that deeply affects many women but it does this without going in for any…

skincare for acne and spots

Testers Needed: New Effaclar Anti-Blemish System

**UPDATE: chosen testers are Harry (h.nortonshaw), frances.barcelos, bethanrabjohns, dianalloyd5 and Andrea Lutton. Thanks to everyone who left a comment, I wish I had hundreds of these sets. (I’m working on it!) Testers; you’ll receive an email shortly from La Roche-Posay. La Roche-Posay’s Effaclar Duo was an absolute skin-saver for me when I had my bout of adult…

best cream for sensitive skin

A Brilliant Light Moisture Fluid for Oily and Combination Skin.

I mentioned La Roche-Posay’s Toleriane Fluide a couple of weeks ago, but here it is again with its own full page review. Because it deserves one, absolutely; it’s a great option for people who would like a very lightweight, non-oily moisturiser that will hydrate and soothe in a very simple, uncomplicated way. This little moisturiser has been…

face makeup for scars and acne

Full Coverage Just Got Sexier…

Vichy Dermablend’s award-winning corrective makeup just got a whole lot sleeker. The slightly clinical-looking packaging has gone, replaced by black lacquered casing, and my favourite product, the Corrective Stick (formerly the Cream Stick) is now a slimmer shape and more precise. It’s all just a bit more sexy, more streamlined; they’re products that look good in your makeup…