Sunday Tittle Tattle: Editing  a Novel in 75,000 Easy Steps

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Editing a Novel in 75,000 Easy Steps

I wrote a novel, years ago, when I was doing my Master’s Degree, and I thought that it was about time I finished it off. Because what sort of madman writes a novel and then does nothing with it? We’re talking  over 160,000 words here; admittedly it’s not War and Peace, but it did take a bloody…

Baby’s First Book

I have managed to wreak a lot of mileage out of this little cloth book in the month I’ve had it. Possibly not the most intellectually challenging of reads, it simply features the high contrast faces of three different farm animals (cow, sheep, pig) using three colours (black, white, red) to stimulate and entertain new babies. Mine…

Christmas Reading: Down the Rabbit Hole

Christmas Reading: Down the Rabbit Hole

A little Christmas reading suggestion for you; Down the Rabbit Hole by Juan Pablo Villalobos. Short and sweet but with incredibly dark and violent undertones, it’s a brief glimpse into the world of a small child (Tochtli) whose father happens to be a powerful Mexican drug baron. It’s written from the Tochtli’s point of view and so you…