first aid beauty facial radiance intensive peel review

Face Off: The Facial Radiance Intensive Peel

The Facial Radiance Intensive Peel from First Aid Beauty has flown straight into my shortlist of fast-working, effective face masks. It’s a clay-based acid peel that brightens, smooths and gives an instant glow – as well giving the feeling that your old face has been entirely removed and replaced with a new one, a la the 1997 John…

first aid beauty eye gel review

The £80 Eye Mask Dupe…

Perhaps “dupe” isn’t quite the right word to use here; “alternative” is far more accurate, but it doesn’t sound as good in my title! The Eye Duty Triple Remedy Gel Cream from First Aid Beauty isn’t by any means a copy of Sisley’s amazing Eye Contour Mask – it isn’t a mask, for a start – but its texture and intense…

August Favourites / Market Research
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August Favourites / Market Research

The August Favourites are in – but I have a burning question before you start devouring the various little beauty morsels I’ve prepared. It concerns video “thumbnails” (those little pictures that appear along with the title so that you know vaguely what you’re about to watch) and – more specifically – the types of thumbnail that…

June Favourites: Books and Beauty
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June Favourites: Books and Beauty

Beauty favourites were a bit thin on the ground, last month, but I did do quite a bit of reading so I’ve shared this video between reading recommendations and beautifying tips. The Anne Tyler book (here) is just a beautifully gentle, slow-paced novel, examining the relationships within a family and gradually revealing more and more about their backstory….

first aid beauty and zelens exfoliant review

On Trial: Exfoliating Facial Pads

Facial pads. Little flimsy rounds of cotton, soaked with strong-smelling stuff that is prone to making your eyes water… God, these bring back memories! Who else had the Clearasil pads when they were a teen? Double-sided – one side like sandpaper, the other only slightly less so, and both of them saturated with enough acidic stuff to strip…