february beauty and fashion favourites

February Favourites

I begin this month’s favourites with my most-hated things – slightly unorthodox, but I found it rather cathartic. So much so that I may even do a whole video of hated things. I could make it a regular feature! But on to the positive items; two “man” things, two fashiony things, two vitamin-c-packed-skincare things, two…

stretch mark prevention
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Beautiful Oils for Supple Skin and Help with Stretch Marks…

I mentioned this on the “affordable” stretch marks roundup, but I’ll repeat: I know that beauty people are divided in their opinion of stretch mark oils. Or just the use of body oils in general to prevent stretch marks. From my own personal viewpoint, I have no scientific evidence that they work but I kind…

summer skincare essentials
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Summer Holiday Skincare and Self Tan Favourites

Some holiday (or pre-holiday) skincare essentials. The VO5 Hot Oil is a bit of an anomaly because it’s for your hair and not for your face, but it was orange and summery and looked good in my photographs! Hot Oil is one of those beauty products that seems very old fashioned, now, because it’s been around for such a long…