Foundation Review: Lancome Teint Idole Care & Glow

Foundation Review: Lancome Teint Idole Care & Glow

I think that one of my all-time favourite foundations has been knocked from its winner’s podium: I’ve finally found a longwear makeup base that I love more than Lancome’s Teint Idole Ultra Wear. It’s – wait for it – Lancome’s Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow. No, I’m not being facetious: this is an…

New Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation Review
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New Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation Review

I was slightly nervous about the fact that the epic Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation had been reformulated. And I say epic with not even a hint of irony because it was just that: very few high coverage, ultra longwear foundations came close to it in terms of the quality of finish, ease of…

Foundation Review: Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Cushion

Foundation Review: Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Cushion

I had presumed that I wouldn’t get on with Lancome’s new Teint Idole Ultra Cushion foundation; I’ve yet to be truly convinced by this huge “cushion” trend that’s hit the market. It all just seems a bit gimmicky and…unnecessary. A makeup-infused sponge that needs to be squidged at with an annoying little foamy pad and then pat-patted onto the…

August Favourites / Market Research
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August Favourites / Market Research

The August Favourites are in – but I have a burning question before you start devouring the various little beauty morsels I’ve prepared. It concerns video “thumbnails” (those little pictures that appear along with the title so that you know vaguely what you’re about to watch) and – more specifically – the types of thumbnail that…

On My Bedside Table…

On My Bedside Table…

I wasn’t going to do a post today, it being a Bank Holiday, but I couldn’t resist another opportunity to bang on about bedtime and sleeping! Ha. Just a chatty little video, here, talking about the things I have on my bedside table. Enjoy – back to beauty tomorrow. A week of bedtimes: my sleep diary……

Lancome Juicy Shakers

Lancome Juicy Shakers

I felt it would be remiss of me to go through another week without writing about the new Juicy Shaker lip gloss/oils from Lancome. I did include them in my March Favourites, but they deserve a bit more applause than that, for the concept and packaging at the very least. I love it when a beauty product launches that’s…

ruth crilly and nathalie eleni

What’s In Your Makeup Bag: Beauty Therapist Nathalie Eleni!

I love poking about to see what other people have in their makeup bags and in their bathroom cabinets (though that never goes down to well if you’re caught red-handed!) and so it was a joy to film this video with my friend and professional celebrity-polisher-upper Nathalie Eleni. Nathalie spends lots of her time prepping…

ruth crilly model beauty blog

Current Daily Makeup Look with Chanel’s Poésie Palette

My current daily makeup look, featuring Chanel’s eyeshadow palette for this Autumn, Poésie. I’m quite taken with this eye palette; at first I thought it might be too pearlescent and shiny for me, but the shadows seem to give a beautiful sheeny glow to the lids rather than anything too glittery or brash. The tones are just beautiful;…

medik8 md formulations and elemental herbology beauty products

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Beauty Bargains and an Angry Cat

1) FeelUnique have some quite amazing reductions going on in their sale, and I just had an email newsletter to say that there’s an extra 10% off over the bank holiday weekend, using the code PLUS10. Bravo! My super-duper recommendations, with the biggest savings, are below. MD Formulations – anything from. I bloody love MD…

genefique skincare range

Lancôme Advanced Génifique Serum: Testing Complete!

I have just finished a month-long testing session using Lancôme’s best-selling serum, Advanced Génifique*. Actually, it was slightly more than a month; I managed to tip out the very last drops of serum on day 34, which I thought was pretty good going considering that I’d been applying it twice-daily to face, neck and decolletage! The whole testing idea…

ruth crilly model recommends

Beauty Products I’ve Finished Off (AKA The “Empties” Video)

Some of you may be bored to tears at the prospect of watching me talk through a series of empty plastic shower gel bottles and toothpaste tubes, others may be overjoyed. Whichever camp you’re in, you may find it quite interesting to see which products have actually been used up to the very last dregs. I’ll…