I Updated My Makeup Routine: 5 Favourite Changes
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I Updated My Makeup Routine: 5 Favourite Changes

I’ve made some little tweaks to my makeup routine and committed them to video: one of the changes involves my eyebrows, and you might already know about that one, but the other four are relatively new and snazzy. I know that the suspense will be killing you, so let’s get cracking. Ad info: no paid…

ruth crilly
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What’s In My Makeup Bag: The High Energy Edition

I had a can of full sugar coke before filming this video, so you’ll have to excuse the tendency towards frivolity. I’ve managed to get my Coca Cola consumption down to just one can a week, now, and I try to “take it” (like medicinal waters) on a work day when I need a bit…

summer makeup sunset lover
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What’s In My Makeup Bag: Summer 2018

The title of this video should really be What’s In My Makeup Bags, plural, not Bag, singular, because – at last count – I have four different versions on the go. The first one (my special edition Swag Bag with Scamp & Dude – all profits go to my chosen charity, the Genesis Research Trust) is in…

summer makeup bag 2017
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What’s In My Makeup Bag? Summer 2017

You must watch this What’s In My Makeup Bag video, if only to see my miraculous hair transformation in the last twenty seconds! In one frame I have quite an uninspiring ‘do – I’d just let my hair down from a mini-ponytail – and in the next, I have volume not dissimilar to that of Rachel…

old makeup favourites
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Shopping the Stash: Old Makeup Favourites

My lovely sister-in-law came to visit me over the Easter weekend and, as she’s a true makeup junkie, I decided to have a delve into my various storage boxes and drawers and offload some of my unused cosmetics. (Note that I say unused and not unwanted: I want absolutely everything, it’s just unfortunate that I have only one…

early morning makeup transformation
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An Early Morning Makeup Transformation…

I was in Paris with the beautiful skincare brand Darphin the other week and decided that instead of having a blissful, baby-free lie-in at the hotel (Le Meurice), I’d set my alarm for 6am and get some filming done. What a berk. As it turned out, it didn’t get light enough outside for me to…

ruth crilly video review victoria beckham
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Victoria Beckham x Estée Lauder Makeup Collection Review

Here it is: my verdict on the Victoria Beckham makeup collaboration with Estée Lauder. What I like, what I don’t – what I’d spend cash on and, importantly, how I’d wear it all. There’s a video at the bottom of the page, which is possibly the key element of this feature – I demonstrate the…