The Slide into Work/Life Chaos: 3 Ways I Regained Control

I’ve banged on about this countless times on various social media platforms, but the months at the end of 2017 were absolute chaos for me. We relocated to Somerset, moving house twice, Baby Ted wasn’t sleeping and my work life ground to a halt. In actual fact it didn’t grind to a halt; I continued at…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Take Your Toddler To Work Day

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Take Your Toddler To Work Day

Thursday was “take your toddler to work day”. Not literally, of course – nobody else had their toddler there, and it wasn’t one of those ridiculous national things like “national doughnut day” or “national look after your feet properly day” – but for me it was unavoidable. A necessary evil, though evil isn’t quite the right word, as…