l'oreal matte addiction 227 hype lipstick
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Shirt Dress and Lipstick: A Quick Summer Update

I’ve had lots of incredibly kind comments about the dress I was wearing in my May Favourites video and I must admit to feeling quite bolstered by them. It’s not that easy to find nice things to wear when you’re breastfeeding, and that hurdle, coupled with your typical postpartum body changes, means that you can…

oasis heart print shirt

The Girl-Next-Door Look (Jennifer Aniston?)

Another week, another outfit. This one is quite wholesome and girl-next-door in comparison to last week’s Sicilian Widow black lace look! Something about it reminds me of Jennifer Aniston’s style, but perhaps it’s just the hair and sunglasses combo. The blouse is from Oasis (again – I just can’t seem to resist the cut of their shirts) and…

ruth crilly fashion model blogger

The Sicilian Woman Scorned: My Dolce & Gabbana Inspired Look

Today I have been playing the “Sicilian Woman Scorned” in my Dolce & Gabbana inspired outfit. I absolutely adore the ad campaigns that Dolce & Gabbana release every season; there’s just something so sexy and womanly about the way that they style things and the whole “pencil skirt, nipped-in waist and undone blouse” look never really…

ruth crilly model oasis spotted shirt blouse
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Mad Pets, Lots of Shoes and my Oasis Spotty Blouse.

I think that this spotted blouse from Oasis is probably one of the best things I’ll buy this spring. (I know it’s not actually spring yet, but fashion works in mysterious (stupid) ways, forcing us to buy bikinis when it’s snowing and so on and so forth.) But anyway, the blouse; it’s just gorgeous. The…