My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2020

My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2020

Looking for the ultimate easy, not-too-expensive, seemingly-thoughtful Christmas present? I have the answer! I had the answer last year too, so this is an updated 2020 version: it’s the books ‘n chocolate gift. Comes in unlimited combinations, is widely available and won’t break the bank. You may be thinking (if you didn’t read last year’s…

angelica and ted

The Bedtime Battle

(links marked * are affiliate links, for more info see disclaimer below post) I’m a bit broken this week. Lack of sleep (I thought we were past those days) and tediously long bedtime sequences have stretched me to the end of my tether. Or stretched my tether? What even is a tether? Whatever (tether), I…

novels for summer reading

Weekly Window Shop: My Summer Reading List

Something a bit different, this week: the books that are on my reading list. I’ll be ploughing through these over the course of the summer, whenever I get to snatch a sunny moment in the deckchair or a couple of hours before bed. I’ve just finished The Girls, which was excellent – very soft focus and dreamlike but…

On My Bedside Table…

On My Bedside Table…

I wasn’t going to do a post today, it being a Bank Holiday, but I couldn’t resist another opportunity to bang on about bedtime and sleeping! Ha. Just a chatty little video, here, talking about the things I have on my bedside table. Enjoy – back to beauty tomorrow. A week of bedtimes: my sleep diary……

books for men

Christmas Books for Last Minute Shoppers…

As promised, some book recommendations for Christmas. Nice and late for those of you who are about to start panic-buying! None of these are actually “Christmas themed”, but I would tend to steer clear of those novelty, seasonal releases anyway. Some of them are good (I particularly like one that sits in my downstairs loo…