The Reason I’m a Blonde

I tried on a few wigs last week – let me advise you on something at this point: if you want to see how you would look after a drastic hair-colour transformation, then try some wigs on about five minutes after you wake up, before you’ve applied any make-up.

I thought that I would be a colour chameleon just like Linda E., but sadly that was not the case. My poor tired face looked so much more drained when I took my natural hair colour away, and that, dear readers, is the reason that I will always be blonde. It is all very well messing about with colour samples at the hairdressers when you are wearing a full face of stage make-up, but heed my warning: you still have to look in the mirror first thing in the morning and last thing at night!
My advice? Stick to variations on your natural hair colour – highlight it, lowlight it, chuck in some chunky slices of colour, but ultimately stay true to your roots! (So much less hassle and expense, too!)
Take a look at my wig trying-on session, in which I transform from a normal person into a succession of weirdos…

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