
Video: October Favourites 2020

This photo is completely unrelated to the video content but it’s been a while since Mr Bear has pulled one of his classic “unamused” faces here on the blog and so I hope all is forgiven. Also I have taken to filming my Youtube videos on my iPhone, for ease and because the microphone is so much better than on any of the snazzy expensive cameras, but it means that I keep forgetting to take thumbnail pictures to use for the posts.

So cat it is. And a witch’s hat.

Five favourites for you again and it’s a relatively eclectic mix of vintage chairs, mad dresses and beauty products that have wowed me. You can find links and more details below the video pane!

@teenytinyemporium on Instagram for vintage finds, Vichy Neovadiol Rose Platinum Eye Cream*: https://bit.ly/321a4Q5Living Proof No Frizz Vanishing Oil*: https://bit.ly/3mH0UAq, SpaceNK Beauty Joy Gift*: https://bit.ly/2VjWoi0 Maje Dress (Sold Out) from The Outnet*: https://bit.ly/3244xsd

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  1. Omg the 3rd of the month has passed…. severely missing the life update!!!! Love your writing, you owe us a double life update to compensate! Or at least a life update and a house update!? Missing the stories of the little ones x

  2. Hi Ruth, are you ok? Noticed the recent gap and non-life-update, feel as if I know you so well, and have thus lobbed in, just in case. It’s completely fine to miss all of this, of course. Just know that you’re missed. I love your writing. Stay cool and hope all is well. If it’s not, lots of love and time xo

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