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What’s In My Makeup Bag: The High Energy Edition

I had a can of full sugar coke before filming this video, so you’ll have to excuse the tendency towards frivolity. I’ve managed to get my Coca Cola consumption down to just one can a week, now, and I try to “take it” (like medicinal waters) on a work day when I need a bit of extra energy to plough through the to-do list.

I used have my can on a Friday evening with my fish and chips, but I was finding it hard to sleep afterwards – writhing around with anxiety until the early hours – and I realised that it must have been the consumption of caffeine at a relatively late hour. Duh. Call me Inspector Morse.

Imagine if I was a coffee drinker? It doesn’t even bear thinking about. Even the caffeine in one can of coke  -approx 34mg – turns me into a gurning, twitching idiot; a quick Google tells me that the average coffee has around 95mg of caffeine! I’d be unstoppable on that. I’d probably grind my teeth down to little stumps and wear holes in the carpet from pacing back and forth. And that would be when I could get off the toilet…

Anyway, enough of my ridiculously low caffeine/sugar tolerance level and on with the show. What’s In My Makeup Bag, The Winter Edition. Except that it’s not the winter edition really, because we’ve just entered March (ooh err!) and I’m pretty sure that March counts as spring. But either way, it makes no difference, because it’s not as though I tweak my makeup that much between autumn, winter and spring – gone are the days when I copied the beauty trends, opting for a “russetty eye” to mimic the falling leaves in November and injecting a “pop of pastel” in spring to mimic…I don’t even know what. Why is it always pastels for spring?

whats in my makeup bag

No, I’ve come to the realisation that I now only really tweak my “look” when the weather gets warm – bit of gradual tan, a load of bronzer, a hot red lipstick and lashings of mascara – and the rest of the time, I’m just trying to make myself look more alive.

Perhaps this will change once I have more time on my hands (ie in about twenty years) but for the moment, it seems that What’s In My Makeup Bag is more a showcase of brilliant discoveries than a carousel of  trend-led fripperies. Solid, game-changing makeup staples rather than glitter pots you’ll use once or lip glosses in awkward colours.

And so I introduce you to the Ombre Nudes palette from Becca, the Sunset Bronzer from Delilah and the newly reformulated Forever foundation from Dior, amongst other wondrous things; grown-up makeup items that produce flawless results with very little effort. Enjoy the video, share it, leave a comment on it – I’ve listed the products used below the video pane for easy reference…

Dior Forever Extra Glow Foundation*: // Delilah Sunset Bronzer Medium/Dark*: // Trinny London Cream Blush in Electra*: // Flower Beauty Concealer:… // L’Oreal Infallible More Than Concealer*: // Becca Ombre Nudes Eye Palette*: // NARS Capri Highlighter*: // Delilah Brow Gel in Ash:… // Hourglass Extreme Mascara*: // Clinique Lip Liner in 01*: // Clinique Beige Pop Lipstick:… // My cashmere sweater is from Cocoa Cashmere here: and the earrings are Isabella Townsley here: Both items gifted.


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  1. Beautiful makeup, thank you for the video! Regarding the Dior foundation, which looks really lovely, I’am a bit hesitant, as alcohol is its 3rd ingredient. I always read that alcohol is damaging to the skin, so what is your opinion in this matter? x

    1. Well. I have been reading quite a few things recently about this and wish I had saved the links, but do you mind me asking where you’ve read that it’s damaging? Because it’s drying – not in debate at all – but I’m not sure whether the “damage” thing is a myth that has been perpetuated. Desperately trying to find the links now, but try this for starters:
      Let me know what you think!! When I find more I’ll link. It’s rather like the parabens issue though; no actual evidence to say that they are unsafe but the myth has been perpetuated… I’m still researching and making up my mind on it all, so please let me know your thoughts!

      1. I am very interested in this topic too as I have heard lots of people suggest that alcohol should be avoided but not read any solid evidence. Maybe you could do a little blog on it? Love the makeup though!!! xx

      2. Thank you for your quick reply:). I’ve read the article you recommended, however, I am not entirely convinced, as Paula sounds convincing too relying on medical sources. I’ve read articles in the topic, but I cannot recall the exact links. To be honest, I still do not know what to think about alcohol, therefore I am not going to buy the Dior foundation, which otherwise looks absolutely fabulous :/. But the thing is that there are a lot of ingredients which, according to Paula, are not good to the skin (causing cell death grrr!), e.g. geraniol and lavender. Almost all the B Brown and Erborian products I like contain these ingredients. Should I stop then using these products, as well? Oh, I have lots of questions, I know, hoping that you may have some of the answers :).

  2. Can you let us know what foundation brush you are using? Trying to get myself to actually make my way around make up… but there is so much stuff to have choose from!!

  3. Great video as always! I’m curious why you don’t like eyeliner across the top lid? I’m one of those people for whom liner on the lid with a slight wing up has become a necessity. Your little side wing is a great cheat though so I will definitely try! Also, I know you fear the pinch of the eyelash curler as do I and have only recently been converted by the Troy Surratt ones…..have you tried these? They open more than the shu uemura ones so I am able to avoid the pinch. I think they work better for a larger rounder eye and so far I have not been injured. I’m so curious about this Loreal concealer and wonder if its available in the US. My fave foundation is Loreal infallible 24 hour. Why do they do different products in different countries? It’s so annoying!

  4. Wow! I love how that foundation blended out on you! Now that I’m in my late thirties and my skin has changed after having 2 kids, I find I have such a hard time finding a foundation that melts into my skin like it used to – so annoying!

    Angela at Blush & Pearls

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