Sunday Tittle Tattle: What Have I Become?

Sunday Tittle Tattle: What Have I Become?

I've been doing a lot of soul-searching recently. Things have been hectic and somewhat stressful in the AMR household and I have been forced to meditate upon profound personal questions. (See photograph above for a visual indication of what I look like when I ask...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Planning my Happiness (Eye Roll)

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Planning my Happiness (Eye Roll)

Can a planner (that's a diary, Filofax-style, for traditionalists - when did it become "planner"?) make you a happier person? That's what the thing sitting in front of me seems to promise: it's called The Happiness Planner and it's filled with uplifting inspirational...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Is This My Perfect Hair?

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Is This My Perfect Hair?

I've had a good chance to really test the limits of my new haircut, now, and things have been going pretty well. Which has led me to ask the question: could this be my perfect style? Well: yes and no. Perhaps I'm just in the honeymoon phase with my new, shorter hair,...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: New Hair and Owning It

Sunday Tittle Tattle: New Hair and Owning It

I have new hair. Please excuse the fact that I've taken these photos with my shower in the background - I was filming a video in the bathroom and the light was nice! But anyway, here's my new style - shorter, blonder, fresher, younger. I love it. Many thanks to the...

Don’t Call Me, Ever

Don’t Call Me, Ever

There's a joke that's been going around the internet for a while, concerning phones and how nobody likes to answer them anymore. Or perhaps not a joke so much as an observation, but then there's always humour to be found in the frank depiction of a trait or habit that...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Riveting Experiment

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Riveting Experiment

Slightly misleading title, depending on how you take it; My Riveting Experiment is a tongue-in-cheek reference to a stupid little project I've had on the go this week regarding weather apps. I haven't been pinning together sheets of metal with actual rivets, nor have...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Crying Over Spilt Bubbles

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Crying Over Spilt Bubbles

Why is it (and this is a rhetorical question, so don't feel the need to reply) that I can pour half a bottle of washing up liquid into a bubble machine, which is specifically designed to make bubbles, and no bubbles come out, yet I can knock a tube of "non-foaming"...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: A Day In My Life

Sunday Tittle Tattle: A Day In My Life

Look, I've already posted this video over on my baby blog, The Uphill, but it takes me ages to do these "day in the life" videos and so I'm touting it out. It's an entire day in my life with "two under two" (New Baby Ted was just nine weeks old!) and has cameos from...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Dad Wrote a Porno

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Dad Wrote a Porno

I said I'd be back with more podcast recommendations and so here we are, a mere week later, with My Dad Wrote a Porno. Apologies to those who read the title of this post and spat out their tea: be assured that it's not my own Dad who has written a porno. (Oh GOD, the...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: At Home With…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: At Home With…

I've really started to get into podcasts. I know that I'm at the risk of being late to every single party going at the moment (first lip liner, now podcasts, next I'll be raving about, I don't know, MySpace or something) but I like to tell people about my discoveries...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Trying to Focus

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Trying to Focus

It's almost entirely impossible to focus when you have a three month-old baby. Because it's the first (I personally think) of the properly cute stages, when babies start to gurgle at you and try to grab things and generally flop about looking gorgeous. Ted is like a...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Dog Does My Makeup

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Dog Does My Makeup

Last week I made a very silly video in support of Comic Relief's Red Nose Day; I asked* Dexter, my dog, to do my makeup. He did a pretty good job, considering he doesn't have any fingers, though you'll have to watch the video and decide for yourselves. Lots of...


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