The Baby Sleep Situation: Patience and Perseverance

I've just been reading a post I wrote when Angelica was tiny; How I Got My Baby To Sleep Through The Night. Goodness, she was a piece of cake in comparison to Ted! And I was at the end of my tether then, feeding every couple of hours through the night. Luckily...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Eleven Month Update

Sorry about the radio silence: things got a bit too much before Christmas, what with moving house again and not having any regular help with the chicklings and all of that jazz. I didn't even have time to do an "out of office" post with a Cheerio! and a Merry...

Snuzpod: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

News: my trusty Snuzpod is going to be a cosy sleeping place for a fourth newborn baby! No, I'm not pregnant again, merely loaning out one of the best baby gadgets that money can buy. Can a crib be called a gadget? I think it can, when it does something above and...

The Art of Nappy Changing | AD

This is the first of three posts that I'm writing in collaboration with Huggies Pure Wipes. A while ago, I started talking with Huggies about some ideas for features about nappy changing and I realised that it wasn't a topic I had covered before. There are some...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Ten Month Update

This will be the quickest baby update I've ever done because I have no internet and my 4G is - to put it mildly - temperamental. You should see me - I'm huddled over my laptop beneath a window in the kitchen, sitting on an IKEA kid's chair, swearing every time my...

Ted Gets Seasonal…

I did a bit of a mammoth spend in GAP the other week, when I bought Angelica's "Wizard Coat" (see here). I seem to be doing lots of kids' clothes shopping at the moment because I never seem to have enough of anything - vests, pyjama bottoms, cardigans. It only takes...

Breastfeeding: I Can’t Quit You (Yet)

Status update on the night-feeding/breastfeeding saga: Ted is now taking bottles. Of formula. Guzzles them right down, has a burp, looks very pleased with himself. In the end, it was simple necessity that did the job - I had to go away for work, and although I wasn't...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Nine Month Update

I genuinely thought that I would be able to kick this post off with some amazing news; the day after I wrote about Ted's persistent night-wakings, I implemented some changes and he had the most restful night he's had for months. I think that he perhaps only woke once...

Biscuits, Blankets and New Beds (Sort Of) | AD

We are still rather discombobulated here, in the City of Bath. Our rented house is utter chaos, mainly due to the fact that I am using 90% of it as my office/storage facility and have beauty products on every available surface, but also because we are hesitant to...

The No-Tears No-Flakes Baby Shampoo

I have a bag in my office filled with empty shampoo and body wash bottles, finished tubes of face lotion, cleaned-out tubs of cream. An outsider would think they had stumbled upon some sort of secret hoarding problem; regular readers of A Model Recommends would know...

The Jumperoo: So Good I Bought Two

I find myself with another metal-and-plastic monstrosity in the living room (though it's a different living room, as we're still in our temporary house in Bath): the Fisher Price Roaring Rainforest Jumperoo*. A nightmarish jumble of primary colours, it's the...


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