Laser Eye Surgery: I Have Questions

Laser Eye Surgery: I Have Questions

Last summer I had laser eye surgery to correct my vision and essentially free me from my daily routine of having to switch between three different pairs of glasses. I know that it has taken me an absolute age to write about it, but I wanted to get a few little queries...

Trying Out Barre Class: Exercise with Crilly

Trying Out Barre Class: Exercise with Crilly

[AD info: this is not a paid-for post. There is an affiliate link marked *. I am a founder of the Colab Dry Shampoo brand. Beauty items here are press samples apart from the dry shampoo.] Well I do apologise; it has been a while since my last fitness post, Sex Burns...

Sex Burns and Sanitary Towels: Exercise with Crilly

Sex Burns and Sanitary Towels: Exercise with Crilly

I did some exercise yesterday and thus ended the fitness dry spell I've been enjoying for well over half a decade. I can account for around three years of that dry spell (pregnancy, new baby, pregnancy, new baby) but I'm not quite sure what I was doing for the years...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Back on the Cooking Train

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Back on the Cooking Train

I've rediscovered my cooking mojo, after more than a year of being almost completely disinterested in doing anything in the pots and pans department. My fall from culinary grace began when we moved out of our house and into a series of short-term lets (seems a...

Post-Baby Fitness: The Consultation

Post-Baby Fitness: The Consultation

Things that told me I desperately needed to start thinking about my post-partum health and fitness (10 months down the line, so about time): I ate so many Magnums, and banged on about my Magnum-eating so much on Twitter, Magnum actually sent me a whole box filled with...

Almonds: My Health and Beauty Snack Swap | AD

Almonds: My Health and Beauty Snack Swap | AD

Recently I wrote about my new healthy eating tips, or rules, that were part of my general diet overhaul. After a rather extended "babymoon", in which I had been eating incredibly naughty things with the excuse that I needed extra calories for breastfeeding, I decided...

My Five New Healthy Eating Rules

My Five New Healthy Eating Rules

Two years ago I made a video with my Five Basic Diet Tips. The tips were just common sense, really; eating fresh, unprocessed food, eating when you're hungry and stopping when full, that kind of thing. They weren't diet tips in the "dieting" sense (I'm definitely not...

Hugh’s Three Good Things

Hugh’s Three Good Things

I was given Hugh's Three Good Things two Christmases ago and it fell by the wayside a bit, what with house renovations and the fact that I was actively ignoring it because the cover photograph was so bad. I mean look at that cover! Why is Hugh grasping his leeks in...

Sorted Food: Can Food Make You Beautiful?

Sorted Food: Can Food Make You Beautiful?

This week I'm a guest on the brilliant food channel, Sorted Food. They are doing a series on performance food, talking to people who have jobs that rely on a good diet, and I'm the latest guest. An honour, because I've watched Sorted Food grow into a mega-channel on...

The Big Pavlova Disaster

The Big Pavlova Disaster

Sorry, we've had a mixed bag of posts this week what with egg separation and arm pits, I promise we'll be back to beauty soon. I just need to be able to get through the door of the beauty room and I can get started with some photography and makeup tinkering. Mr AMR...

An Easy Fix for (Egg) Separation Anxiety

An Easy Fix for (Egg) Separation Anxiety

Something I'm slightly embarrassed to admit, as a keen-ish cook: until yesterday I had a complete aversion to separating eggs. You know, when you crack the shell and then pour the yolk from side to side, attempting to keep it whole and unbroken whilst the gloopy,...


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