How Not To Try Contact Lenses

How Not To Try Contact Lenses

I had my first contact lens "lesson" last week and to say it went badly would be a huge understatement. To be quite honest with you, I don't know why any part of me thinks that I'll ever be successful with a procedure that involves precision, dexterity and being OK...

5 Top Supermarket Beauty Buys

5 Top Supermarket Beauty Buys

I went to a lovely beauty dinner organised by Sainsbury's and it reminded that I was, at one point, doing some sort of supermarket beauty series. I can't remember the title of this particular series but I'm sure it would have utilised a pun, because I can't resist...

Current Makeup Routine: Spring 2023

Current Makeup Routine: Spring 2023

Arriving in London with a makeup bag that had apparently been packed by a drunk baboon forced me to be a bit creative with my products. I honestly have no idea how I ended up with four bronzers and two foundations but absolutely no brow stuff, no lipstick and only one...

New Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation Review

New Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation Review

I was slightly nervous about the fact that the epic Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation had been reformulated. And I say epic with not even a hint of irony because it was just that: very few high coverage, ultra longwear foundations came close to it in terms of...

Youthbomb: A Threesome I Can Get On Board With | AD

Youthbomb: A Threesome I Can Get On Board With | AD

Ad: this post is sponsored by Beauty Pie as part of my ongoing partnership. There was a blog post due to come out this week; the title of the draft post was Did A Sexier Power Couple Ever Exist? and it was a six hundred word near-delirious rave about the wonders of...

Why I Use An Eye Cream (Again)

Why I Use An Eye Cream (Again)

Eye cream really divides opinion in the beauty world. Some people swear by it (the usual argument being that skin around the eyes is different - thinner - than elsewhere and so you want a dedicated formula to suit) and some people think that you should just use...

You Won’t Believe How Much I Love These…

You Won’t Believe How Much I Love These…

It's favourites time, but this time they're supercharged. The first favourite thing has changed my life and I'm not being dramatic and clickbait-y about it, either; the second favourite is a book that had me audibly cheering as I read it (in just two sittings) in bed...

How (Not) To Do Boxing

How (Not) To Do Boxing

I woke up unable to move and with my arm muscles screaming: what evil atrocity had happened to my person overnight? I did (what they call in the meditation sessions I never get around to doing) a body scan; starting at the toes, moving up to the knees and then the...

I Updated My Makeup Routine: 5 Favourite Changes

I Updated My Makeup Routine: 5 Favourite Changes

I've made some little tweaks to my makeup routine and committed them to video: one of the changes involves my eyebrows, and you might already know about that one, but the other four are relatively new and snazzy. I know that the suspense will be killing you, so let's...

Frost is Better than Snow: Discuss

Frost is Better than Snow: Discuss

I fully realise this isn't the sort of debate that will change the world but it's a question I've been pondering for the last week or so, since the weather has been sub-zero again, and it is this: which is better, frost or snow? People go crazy for snow, don't they?...

How (Not) To De-Fuzz Your Face

How (Not) To De-Fuzz Your Face

My Mum was horrified when I showed her my newly acquired Finishing Touch Facial Hair Remover. "You can't shave your face!" she cried. "Why can't you just use nail scissors like everyone else?" Pause for effect. Can we please get a show of hands from anyone - anyone at...

My Makeup Routine: January 2023

My Makeup Routine: January 2023

First post of 2023 and it's straight in with my current makeup routine and some incredible new makeup discoveries. I don't use the word incredible lightly, either: some of these products have completely changed my makeup routine and had my husband asking questions...


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