Thing of Beauty: L’Occitane Milk Concentrate

Thing of Beauty: L’Occitane Milk Concentrate

Quite possibly my most favourite body cream of all time, I have thought up a new category for l'Occitane's Amande Concentre de Lait: Thing of Beauty. I shall reserve this category only for things that I love totally and utterly, without reservation and ignoring little...

How to Care for your Hands

How to Care for your Hands

An oft-requested feature, this one, but if you're looking for manicure tips then I'm afraid I'll disappoint. I rarely mess about with my own nails in terms of cuticles and so on - I file my nails when I need to, but for serious maintenance of the nail beds I go for a...

My “Perfect Legs” Kit

My “Perfect Legs” Kit

Two weeks ago, my legs were in a bit of a state. Not at all presentable.  As well as my thighs being a bit wibbly, thanks to my many weeks sitting like a slug in front of the computer, I had managed to burn my bottom (don't ask), get bitten by some horrid flea-like...

Divine Legs – A Summer Essential!

Divine Legs – A Summer Essential!

Well I have to say that Caudalie's Divine Legs really does live up to its name. The colour, texture and smell of this tinted body lotion are all absolutely gorgeous. I find that many wash-off tans are difficult to use and need to be diluted with a proper body lotion...

Neal’s Yard Beauty Sleep Body Butter

Neal’s Yard Beauty Sleep Body Butter

Beauty Sleep products seem to be getting more and more popular - perhaps we're all finding it harder to sleep! No wonder what with all the technology buzzing around our heads at night - hands up who sleeps with their iPhone nearby, using it as an alarm clock? I'm...

Mini-Reviews of some useful Mini-Oils…

Mini-Reviews of some useful Mini-Oils…

I've just finished three teeny, tiny sample-sized beauty products and thought I'd give you a quick mini-review on each. I've had these in my makeup bag for a few weeks and have been taking them away with me on overnight stays at various places - please excuse the...

This Works: And So To Bed

This Works: And So To Bed

At the risk of sending you all to sleep, I'm going to talk about Hibernation again! You did catch my wintery, sleepy video didn't you? If you didn't, the post and video are HERE. I just wanted to revisit some of the products that I included in the video; This...

L’Occitane Shea Butter Skincare Review

L’Occitane Shea Butter Skincare Review

Prepare for a Shea Butter extravaganza! The following are all from l'Occitane - I have been meaning to review them all separately, but time is a-passing and I thought I'd just give them to you in one almighty shea-crazy skin-saving hit! Because it's that kind of...

Pai’s Natural & Gentle Stretch Mark System

Pai’s Natural & Gentle Stretch Mark System

I have a few, very faint, stretch-marks across my hips and I'm guessing that I've had these since my teens. They're only apparent when my skin is more tanned, so they don't really bother me too much, but I know that stretch-marks are a huge issue for women and younger...

The Monday Miaow

The Monday Miaow

Browsing ASOS this weekend (I spend a lot of time browsing ASOS. It's an illness) I spotted this gorgeous little kitten cosmetics bag by Paul & Joe. It's actually free with their hand cream, which makes it even more gorgeous. I need it in my life! The pot of hand...

Hop into my Shower!

Hop into my Shower!

I had a lot of fun filming this video. I've decided to do my monthly favourites videos from the bathroom from now on - either in the shower or in the bath. Perhaps when I travel I'll film them from other baths - that could be interesting! Anyway, this is a lazy-ish...

Desk Essential: Dr Organic Royal Jelly Hand Cream

Desk Essential: Dr Organic Royal Jelly Hand Cream

In permanent residence upon my desk; the Dr Organic Royal Jelly Anti-Aging Hand & Nail Cream. It's a great budget buy - the tube is much bigger than a standard hand cream and comes in at a rather pleasing £6.19. It absorbs quickly but does take a minute or so for...


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