House Tour and Interiors Update

House Tour and Interiors Update

The one you've all (maybe) been waiting for - the house tour. OK, so it's not a room-by-room reveal of the whole place, MTV Cribs style, but it's as much of a house peek as you're probably going to get. You can always see bits and pieces of the inside of my home on...

Gone For Six Nights

Gone For Six Nights

I went away for six whole nights (I went for the days too, obviously, otherwise it would have been a logistical nightmare) and I took my little vlogging camera with me to document the trip. I've called the resulting video - wait for this, because it's an absolute...

Delve into my Sac de Secrets

Delve into my Sac de Secrets

I've been in Paris - can you tell? Give me twenty-four hours in France and I start coming out with all of the bad franglais. Actually (and I'm very proud of this) I always get lots of compliments about my very authentic French accent whenever I'm in Paris....

Best Supermarket Beauty Buys: A New Series Begins

Best Supermarket Beauty Buys: A New Series Begins

(links marked * are affiliate links, for more info see disclaimer below post) Well it looks as though we have ourselves a new beauty series; I uploaded a Youtube video about supermarket beauty on Sunday night and it was an instant hit. It was a video I had been...

Things Have Got To Change…

Things Have Got To Change…

My latest video has quite the dramatic title: Things Have Got To Change. It started off as a video about diet and exercise and the fact that I have a terrible diet and don't do any exercise, but then I went off on a tangent and it became a video about all of the...

My Infertility Story

My Infertility Story

I was reading through some old diaries the other week (actually looking for some photos of my Dad, but that's another matter) and I started to read through a few of my entries. I used to keep a daily journal - it was part of the preparation for my Masters degree - and...

A Day In The Life: I’m Both Happy & Sad

A Day In The Life: I’m Both Happy & Sad

I've temporarily dispensed with A Week In My Life in favour of A Day In The Life in the hope that the content will be easier to digest and perhaps more engaging. At some point perhaps I should try An Hour In My Life or even, if people can't stay tuned for that long, A...

A Week In My Life: September 2017

A Week In My Life: September 2017

Firstly, thank you so very much for all of the wonderful comments on last Sunday's post - I was feeling so overwhelmed and low and they really bolstered my confidence and boosted my spirits! (Catch up on that post here, if you're wondering what an earth I'm talking...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Why The House Move?

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Why The House Move?

We've moved house. Actually, we've more than moved house; we've moved halfway across the country, to the beautiful city of Bath. There's a long-ish story behind this perhaps rather surprising turn of events, but I'll precis it for you, because it's an arduous and very...

A Week In My Life: August 2017

A Week In My Life: August 2017

I'm trying something a bit new on the video front: A Week In My Life. It's a sort of scrapbook montage of things that I get up to during the week, but it's all very informal and unstructured. As you know, I'm not a natural vlogger. I find the process quite...

Kent Traffic, Summer Parties and Dual Centre Holidays

Kent Traffic, Summer Parties and Dual Centre Holidays

People of Kent, a question: is it always so horrifically bad trying to get back into London through the Dartford Tunnel? Every time I've done it there have been huge queues - a few odd times over the years, but four times in the space of the last two weeks. Always...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: The Forgotten Vlog

Sunday Tittle Tattle: The Forgotten Vlog

I've spent so long dithering about the things I want to change in my videos that I completely forgot to post up one that I'd already made! Thank you, by the way, for all of your wonderful comments on the video-making post - I'm reading through them now and they're so...


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