Coming soon to a very small screen near you…
Something new for you, this week; Friday’s video will star a special guest! Many of you will already have met Caroline Hirons (virtually, at least); she’s a beauty industry insider and a globally qualified advanced facialist and is a total wealth of information when it comes to anything skin related. Caroline has just set up her own Youtube channel and so we decided to film some videos together. I really hope that you like them – we had quite a giggle. If the outtakes ever got into the wrong hands…
Our first video is a little run-down of our favourite recent skincare discoveries. Three of mine, three of Caroline’s. Then on Caroline’s new channel, she’ll be talking through her current skincare routine and I’ll be asking stupid pertinent questions. If you’re an avid reader of Caroline’s blog then I’m guessing you can’t wait to see what she’s putting her seal of approval on, so make sure that you’re tuned in to our Youtube channels at 7pm on Friday 25th April! You can watch the teaser below, but do subscribe to our channels if you’d like to see videos as soon as they go live.
Caroline Hiron’s Youtube Channel