Life Update: Oh Sh*t, The Kid Can Read
The just-six-year-old can now read, really quite well, which means I have had to hide all of the novelty mugs with swear words on them and also stop leaving dirty messages to Mr AMR on the fridge door. (Who knew magnetic letters could be so much fun?)
In all seriousness though, I can’t tell you how much joy I get from listening to my daughter read through her school books, even the one about owls. I feel the same excitement for her as I did for myself when I was learning to drive: suddenly a whole new world of experience is opened up. When you can read there’s no limit to where you can go – different times, different countries, different planets. You can meet fascinating people, you can sail on a pirate ship, you can flounce about a tudor court in an uncomfortable dress. I’m quite passionate about reading and how good it is for brains – we all love to be spoon-fed a bit of crap telly, but there’s nothing like getting to work on a good book and plunging yourself completely into a new existence. Great for getting yourself to sleep at night, too, FYI.
This sudden improvement in reading has, and I’m sure this is not a coincidence, come at the same time as a huge “screen ban” in our house. Now before everyone goes crazy and says that screen time (as in TVs, iPads, apps, educational games) is fine and you shouldn’t shame it and how would anyone get anything done without screens and yes our parents didn’t have screens and they managed ok but that was a different era and things aren’t the same now and so on and so forth: I am not shaming it. I am the biggest advocate of a bit of Great Uncle iPad and his unrivalled babysitting prowess and I also love the afternoon movie “treat” that allows me to have a nap, albeit in the world’s most uncomfortable position, while the strains of Can You Feel The Love Tonight filter into my troubled dreams.
I have no problem with screens. God love CBeebies and all that they have saved me from. Rejoice, rejoice in the Toca Life apps and Minecraft games with their buildable worlds. All hail the painting programs that stop my four year-old from falling asleep on long car journeys (if he sleeps for even ten seconds in the day he WILL NOT go to sleep that night). Praise be Netflix with its endless rota of cartoon shite that both kids love and that might buy us an extra 40 minutes of sleep on a weekend morning.
You can see I’m a fan. What I’m not a fan of, however, was how much I was starting to rely on them and what was happening when the screens got turned off. Total meltdowns! On both sides of the parent/child barrier! We were having CBeebies at breakfast (allows enough time to make the packed lunch and find school uniform), CBeebies after school (while dinner was cooked), games on the iPhone when they were bored of the CBeebies, games on the iPad because if one of them had games then the other one needed them too…
And I was always a bit scared of what might happen if I took it all away. How the hell would we get anything done? How would we cook? How would we take an important phone call? How would we even go to the toilet if they weren’t tethered to a screen? (I’m exaggerating for effect, obviously, they weren’t on them constantly, but sometimes it felt like it.)
Well I can tell you what they do when you take all of the screens away: they play. Not for the first couple of days, the withdrawal phase, which is when they will come at you like angry Zombies, brandishing metal poles and threatening to kill you if you don’t give up the goods, but after that. A month in and they’ve stopped even asking for CBeebies. We haven’t had TV or a film on for the whole time and only a couple of games at the weekend when we had to go to Dorset to check something on the building site.
I can tell you it’s a revelation. They just play. And not really together, if I’m honest, so if you have one child and wonder whether this would ever work, I’d give it a go. They go off and just…do things. Potter. Ask constantly for things – like bits of string, glue, pens, card, boxes of an exact and unusual size, snail shells, water softening tablets – and occasionally have huge fights, but it’s actually less maintenance than when they’re watching the TV or iPad because they were constantly arguing over what to watch.
Note that they are four and five, my kids – they’re of the age where they don’t tend to get themselves into too much trouble. I’m not sure I could have done this a year ago because we needed constant eyes on my son who could unlock a Swiss bank safe in about thirty seconds flat and has a penchant for playing with bath taps. But now things are a bit easier I feel as though this “no screens” idea might be the way to go. It has been a lot more pleasant around here, I’m sure of it. I’m positive that the backchat I was getting from my daughter had been picked up from some of the things she’d been watching on Netflix, like Barbie Dreamland or whatever it was called.
And my son, with his love of Power Rangers and Mini Force and all of that robotic stuff, well. It all felt slightly violent, really. In comparison to CBeebies, anyway. Mind you anything seems X-rated compared to CBeebies. If you had only ever watched the innocent world of CBeebies, with its talking rabbit Bing and its Chuggington world and its Waffle Doggy, then an episode of Barbie Dreamhouse would be like watching the pool scene in Showgirls. You’ve only ever set eyes on Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures? Well take this, motherf*cka, your first glimpse of Mini Force would be the equivalent of accidentally seeing Scarface for the first time. (Age eleven.)
Say hello to my little friend.
So yeah, let’s see how long this digi-hiatus lasts. The best thing about it (probably) is that because the kids aren’t glued to a screen, it seems wrong for the adults to be glued to a screen, which means we’ve stopped scrolling the news apps or mindlessly delving into Instagram. I now have set times, usually when I’m on the toilet (you asked) and life feels better for it.
And there endeth my life update. I feel as though it’s been uncharacteristically positive but can’t imagine that’ll last. I love moaning too much!
OMG Ruth,
do not get me started on mini force! I nonchalantly put it on one for my 20 month old son one frazzled afternoon… it’s like crack?
In the days that ensued I then had to ‘pretend’ it had gone to sleep…!?
The pestering to open amazon ‘pwime’ continued (I had learnt of the green button to hide content)
I pretended to not know the name of the ‘fire engine song’
He then proceeded to inform me ‘its mini forrrrceeeee’
Thank god he is slowly stopping asking. Still tries to sing the songs occasionally…
Did you explain the plan to them or just keep saying no until they stopped asking? I need to cut down screen time for my 3 year old. I know I rely on it heavily because he’s just so bloody intense!
Just said “new rules, screens only at the weekend” and that was on a Monday. When it got to the weekend they didn’t ask, they had loads of faffy projects on the go, like painting the wall with permanent paint and chiselling bits out of the door frames with sharp stones. All that really excellent stuff. Lol
I loved reading this post. It is so interesting learning more about people with families and children.
Danielle |
The best thing about my daughter starting to read last year is that she started to read to her brother (they are two years apart), which means I don’t have to read the same books over and over – everybody wins.
Yes, what a bonus!
I need to do this too!
On sundays, after the meltdown they do get on with playing (4 year old twins) But as a single parent it is helpful when needing to wash and snooze a little. So perhaps a big reduction for me. They love the timer on my phone so perhaps I’ll use that to show them balance between books and telly.
As a teacher overseas where we had online lessons for students, I was amazed how much the schools were expecting the students 5-11 years olds to know tech wise. Re; log ins, passwords, split screens, apps, google classroom, seesaw etc. This means I am aware of the need for kids to be able to use tech well, sadly.
Definitely going to cut down though and encourage more books.
Yes, using a timer is a really good idea. Might implement that!
I come from a time long, long ago without cell phones or iPads. BUT I did spend more time making sure my daughters knew how to use the remote controls for the television (and later the VCR) than how to tie their shoes. Guilty as charged. It bought me some precious morning moments as a single mother and the chance to (maybe) shut the bathroom door. I still remember the feeling of my girls tucked up against me watching a Disney film and my youngest saying “again, again” which I happily did while they never noticed my eyes closing and head resting back on the pillows.
I’m so happy yours enjoy reading and playing, I was also lucky I never had to make my girls read, they loved to do that on their own. Enjoy
Haha, the equivalent now is when Netflix stops and asks me “are you still watching?” as though it’s casting judgement. I always read it as “are you STILL letting them watch this?”
Hi Ruth, I love books too and my 3 kids all love books. I’m now a Nana, of a little girl 5 weeks old today and also have a little grandson due in November and I’ve been lovingly building a ‘Nana’s book basket’ filled with children’s books. It’s really fun to buy kids books and I will have a plethora of great stories to read them and with them when they’re older and I can’t wait!!
I also think that when you limit the screen time with little ones it’s a great opportunity to create really fun ‘movie afternoons’ or evenings with Mum, Dad and little ones complete with snacks and cosy blankets!
I have to say the internet had only just begun to wheedle it’s way into our lives when my youngest (21) was born so we never really had this screen thing going on but I do plan as Nana to spend as much time doing things with my grandbabies as possible.
This is so lovely Gillian! I love the book basket idea x