ruth crilly london meet up

Please Join Me for my Makeup Meet-Up!

ruth crilly london meet up

Apologies in advance for the short notice with my London Makeup Meet-Up; it has been a logistical nightmare trying to get everyone in the same place at the same time! But I have the details at last and it promises to be a lovely morning for those who can nip out of work or whatever else it is that they are supposed to be doing on a work day. (For those who can’t nip out, then again: my apologies. Rest assured that I have an “out of hours” gathering in the pipeline for you.)

On Tuesday 28th January I’ll be at the Charlotte Tilbury counter in Selfridges on Oxford Street, ready to chat about all things beauty (and cats and puppies and whatever else we fancy). I’ll be there from 10-11.30am with Team Tilbury who are going to be giving expert makeup tips on how to create the perfect flawless complexion and will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have. (And please do ask questions; I learnt so much when I was at the counter before Christmas and no doubt I’ll be harassing the team for even more help on my return! They are a serious wealth of information when it comes to tweaking your makeup routine to perfection and ironing out bad habits.)

It promises to be an excellent morning and so if you’re in London then please, please stop by and say hello! I’m really looking forward to meeting some of you – I do randomly bump into readers in the street quite often, but it’s nice to be able to have a proper chat in the warm. Surrounded by makeup. Oh – there’s also a surprise treat (it’s gold and shimmery) for the first twenty people at the counter, if you needed any extra enticement.

Hope to see you there – drop me a comment below if you think you’ll be popping in and I’ll keep your seat warm, so to speak. (Is that even a saying? I’m really losing it this week!) You can watch a video of my pre-Christmas visit to the Charlotte Tilbury counter here; I had a full makeover and Charlotte talked me through the whole of her amazing range. (I had to edit the video down from about an hour’s worth of our chit-chatting!) 

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