mr bear british shorthair cat

Sunday Tittle Tattle

mr bear the british shorthair cat

1) Excuse my French (and you must, for I am in fact in France!) but how the hell did it suddenly become a third of the way through February? I am heading for a serious “where does the time go?” internal meltdown. It’s hard to do this mindfulness, living for the moment typed thing when one minute it’s Christmas and the next it’s almost Valentine’s day! I feel as though I’m in that confusing time travel film with Eric Bana (who must have been nicknamed Eric Banana at school, it’s just too tempting). The Time Traveller’s Wife. I loved the novel – you should read it if you haven’t already – but the film made me cross.

body shop skincare review

2) How pleased I was to see Caroline Hirons’ cheeky little face pop up in a press pack from The Body Shop. Caroline has an amazing skincare blog (here) and has picked out some of her favourite beauty products from across the brand. I’ll do a more in-depth post next week when I’ve had the chance to take some proper photos, but you can see some of her night-time essentials below. I’m intrigued by the face roller. Find the essentials at The Body Shop.


3) Animal photos. I do apologise to those who can’t stand animal photos, but please just skip past them if they offend. There are many more people asking for pics (hundreds) than complaining (four) and so for now I have to go with the majority vote! Therefore, dog picture – woof:

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The cat picture is at the top of the page, as you may have noticed. Weird sticking-out-tongue shot. I’ve become a little over-familiar with the rapid shoot button on my camera – I point it at the cat and get all sorts of funny expressions and faces. I have some corkers that I’m saving for a rainy day…

Now, back to croissants and mooching about in the Marais with Mum. I’ve whisked her away to Paris for her birthday. A bientot!

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