The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

personalised nutella

1) I don’t even like Nutella that much*, but I love the idea that you can personalise your own jar! I found this little gift idea when I was browsing about on the newly re-launched Selfridges website (they have a “favourites” button now so that you can save things to your wishlist as you go along, and it’s easier to search for stuff) and I thought that it made for quite a nice stocking filler. £3.99. You can order your personalised Nutella here. (*I say I don’t really like Nutella that much, but I don’t think that I have ever properly tried it! I must rectify that situation. Is it as addictive as people make out? I think I once had some inside a crepe when I was on holiday, but I couldn’t be sure…)

colab hair products

2) Winners of the CoLab Dry Shampoo prizes are as follows: 10 Full Size Sets go to kayleigh0804, sexwithapancakeisalwaysfun, smbharkin, pipsicola100, hanny_11, anne.zethrin, emmamorgan.10, saija.paananen, Raiyah.Ismaiel and Ice_cool_90. The 10 Mini Sets go to lottiemac, mustbeadreamer, georgia@headandhart,, hellsmurray, joburgess3, stephenieleung, penniixox, moonboywales and wright_jre. You’ll be receiving an email tomorrow asking for your address so that we can get the prize sent out – please note that it will come from my assistant Rachael rather than my official email address, so please don’t worry if you don’t recognise the name!

Read more about CoLab…

dexter the cockapoo

3) Pets. Firstly, for your amusement and/or horror, we have Dexter the Cockapoo dressed as a Halloween werewolf. Then we have Mr Bear, who refused to have anything to do with Halloween whatsoever. Here he is having his little weekend tummy-airing:

british shorthair cat

Ah, the life of a cat! Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone….

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