Teething Problems…

Teething Problems.

 Sorry to those of you who got a mix of old and new posts on yesterday’s email – there may well be an odd mix today, too, but after this is should be plain sailing! (And hopefully this will be the last boring admin post on the matter, too!) Emails will now be sent between 7 and 9am GMT and posts will be published, when at all possible, before 7am so that they make it into the daily email. If a new post goes up during the following day or evening (as will happen from time to time, when I have pressing news to tell!) then you’ll get that in the following day’s email. So nobody misses out (I hope!) and for habitual new-post-checkers (I know there are quite a few of you out there!) it’ll be a surprise when you get a little bonus post on some days!

Right, enough of the boring stuff, let’s talk kittens. If anyone has an inventive way of persuading Mr to let me get a British Shorthair kitten that a) won’t backfire on me and b) won’t see me having to massage his feet every night for the next eight years, then please do share. Most plans considered, although funds are low so bribery is out. Answers on the virtual postcards known as comment forms, below!


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